Geo award and blah~

May 25, 2007 23:32

yay~ my Geography exam is over and out of the way. I think i did okay/pretty well on this one =3 I was looking at everyone else smiling the whole time when they collected the exam paper XD

There was a certain time of shocking moments between us Geographers today whilst we were revising together in the refectory...about the Geography award. Felix (my Geo buddy) got the award BUT the other one didn't go to the deputy head girl!! D= and in that instant when she announced it...everyone looked at me (for what seemed to be the 3rd time now) and went "*my name* you got it right?" and i went "no O____O"

To be honest...i haven't checked my mailbox XD but i seriously doubt that i got it!!!!!! And i don't want to even think of it!! I mean, i'm only excelling at physical geo but i totally suck at human geo. I don't see why the head of Geo (my human geo teacher) would have given the award to me...UNLESS everyone else just sucked and they just decided to give it to one person this year D=

Dear Project Holders,

I am writing to provide you with more information about the 1st
Project Holders Meeting. The details are as following:
Date: 26 May 2007 (Sat)
Time: 15:00-16:00
(Please kindly arrive 15 minutes earlier i.e. 14:45)
Venue: City U Lecture Theatre 6(LT6)

As for the dress code, school uniform should be worn.

p.s. The receipts of PH O-camp will also be distributed during the
meeting. For those who have required to get back their receipts,
please kindly attend the meeting punctually.

Yours sincerely,
Clara Chung
Director of Project Affairs Department (PAD)
Project Affairs Department
40th Joint School Science Exhibition Preparation Committee

WTF!!! Don't hold meetings when we're having study leave dudes!!! T______T Me and Jade-sama were ranting on MSN with big capital fonts yesterday when we've gotten the e-mail...XD

jsse, geography award

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