(no subject)

Apr 17, 2007 19:42

You are able listen to the RomeJuli radio telecast online =)


1. go to http://www.onsen.ag/
2. scroll down until you see RomeJuli x Radio, it's categorised under "金曜日"
3. click on the 番組を聴く button (RED font) and you can either play it or save it =)
and if you click onto the button next to that, "紹介" it contains information on the contents of the broadcast, and as to who is broadcasting it (personality), though it will always be the same, as far as i know from other anime radio programs that i'm following atm, it always works like that for any anime radio shows, the only difference is that they'll be inviting different seiyuu guests in some broadcasts =)

NOTE: if you choose to save it, you're only saving the link in order to play it and NOT downloading the whole radio telecast. unfortunately, i don't have the program in order to rip the streamradio out but i will try to, unless there is someone out there who happens to have the specific program to do so and upload it for us =D (i'm really busy...)



i'm on the 2007-2008 prefects team!! *grins like an idiot* hehehehe XD Can't wait for the handover assembly ^_____^ しかし私は佐野ちゃんが選ばれて得なかったのことが心配している...彼女は明らかに弱められる ;______;

need to work on that cursed returned bio coursework =( i don't know what to do to it!! i have absolutely nothing to add!! >____<

rain, romejuli x radio, prefect elections

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