Tophat whore?

Nov 02, 2005 11:58

Check this out (I wont post in directly, as its huge!)

its funny if you like comics, and well drawn if you don't...

anyway anyway

Talked to Jessica for HOURS last night on my new Elevator phone, and man was it refreshing. I have never (and probably will never) meet anyone whom I connect with like I do her, even if our old almost married couple status showed up and we bickered like children for 20 or so minutes. But that was nice too, haven't done that in a while. I wish I could remeber half of what we talked about well enough to lock it down here. Still some of the things she said will forever be in my head, and will always warm my heart.

lets trip

Ok dates for the big trip look like Nov. 27th to Dec. 3rd, but thats just tossed out there, its not been checked by ANYONE who I am visiting so it is very subject to change. I know it works for Jessica, or I assume it does based on what we talked about. But other then that... not so much. Which reminds me, the Albany leg of the trip is the local I know the least about, so I guess I need to lock down which part of the city I am going to and blah blah blah.

just book them you fucktard!

My other producer for Short Order is pissing me off. He's having trouble contacting the troop quickly (he sends and e-mail and some of us take a few days to get back to him) and he claims he can't book under those conditions. FUCK YOU! Just book the gigs if you have them, and we will make it. He KNOWS this, hes just lonely and wants attnetion so he's holding bookings over our head. WE make money on this idiot, just book them! Or I am taking over ALL the booking so we can work enough to make this into something. I HATE people sometimes.

thank you ghost of thompsons green

The ghost shut off my dvd player last night when I was out of the room talking to Jessica. Why I wonder does it take so much care of me from time to time? (You are not going to belive this, but this sentance just erased itself like 3 times). I want to figure out what this is. All the staff see it! Well I kinda don't. That would be a little agressive to have a ghost just like show up and start chating... still its around, and I want to know about it.

MUCH more later

I gota hang at my folks house tonight because I need them to give me a ride to P-town for my gig thursday. ((Person who killed my car, you have no idea what evil I have in store for you for all this)) and I have MY old computer there, and some big things to put down. See ya with a big BIG BIG entry laters. Maybe big enough I will do an LJ cut for the first time... hrmmmmm.

don't miss this great...

Still looking to get other folks commenting on the de-sissification discussion a few posts back... so far no girls have taken a crack at it. CHECK CHECK CHECK, Check it out! Duders.


EDIT: (and PS:) I feel like the newly renovated DC charactor "The Calculator" (sp... grrrr) today, sitting here by this computer and reading posts and leaving posts and e-mails and all. I feel like I am pulling the strings of reality, and its not just the big glasses (I have a picture of me in them somewhere) and the weed. Great charactor tho. Check out "Birds of Prey" in the next few months for an Orcale/Calculator showdown, and some great martial arts action to boot.

SXC (aaaaaaaaagain)
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