Oct 26, 2005 01:00
We had our family dinner tonight. I made tacos, which were pretty delicious. But I will never have kitchen smarts, probably won't ever make a good domesticated kitchen wife, which is good becasue I don't really want to be one but to prove my point. I'm making tacos and I spill some grease on thes stove so I'm cleaning it up and I like a fucking moron lift up the burner to clean under it, the burner that I was LITERALLY two seconds ago using to cook on, yeah so my fingers are still throbbing and hurt like hell. But I guess thats what I get for being a moron, arg. STUPID. Anyways dinner was good and we, Claire, Carls, Rin adn I sat and talked forever, seriously it was suddenly 11:30 and I did NOT see that coming.
After dinner we watched Coupling, the original British comedy (I get BBC America which I am in love with, Monty Python HELL YEAH! Now I just need Spaced to come on and I will be thrilled). It is sooo funny I seriously didn't even think stuff could be that funny, I am TOTALLY in love with British comedy. Carly l was in my room last night when I was watching it for the first time and she was laughing at how hard I was laughing at the show. I've literally gone nuts with the DVRing of stuff. And I get so many random fun channels that I have some amazing (or horrifying stuff taped depending on how you look at it). The Tick cartoon... mmm... original batman cartoon, CAPTAIN MOTHERFUCKING PLANET (and that show really hits you in the face repeatidly with its messages arg) Talespin, Rescue Rangers... not to mention GUTS and Legends of the Hidden Temple come on! HECK YEAH!
I'm ready to come home. BLAH, Im not in a mood for school this semester thats for sure. But the good news is I will be home in less than a month I fly in on Nov. 22 early and I will fly out that saturday pretty early. But there will be plenty of hang outs. And to make that time less long my sister is going to be visiting me in a couple weeks which should be a blast. She is going as a gansta for halloween and I find that HILARIOUS!