Oh my god I can't believe I've never been this far away from home

Sep 30, 2005 02:01

So here is a delayed pos in my journal, ah what can you do I can't keep up these days, actually there is going to be an even MORE delayed post relatively soon after this so you know what? DEAL WITH IT. Anyways, I had visitors a couple weekends ago. Something I was expecting but didn't know it was going to happen to quickly. About four days before this happened I got an IM from Jason Roy. He decided it would be a good idea to tell me that they would be in Minneapolis on Sunday for a show, definitely a good idea because the plan was to stay at my place! Anyways so I told them of course it would be fine and of course was totally stoked they were coming. So we started to semi orgainze the apartment, still not quite there yet but hey its getting there. However, I got a call while I was at work on Saturday from Jason, telling me that they were going to be in town a day earlier and asking if that was okay. I had planned to clean up my room Sunday morning, but since they were showing up early I rushed home from work and did the speediest cleaning in the world to make my room look good and then they showed up:

The band got here an hour or two after I got out of work, Carly and I had driven to get them some beer for their arrival (sadly it was only 3.2 beer since I had to buy it at the grocery store since liquor stores close insanely early around here). They had driven all the way from Iowa (after I think driving to Iowa that day) so they were exhausted but were awake enough to have some drinks and hang out. Jason made everyone some Mangritas (margritas with way too much Tequila in them and fresh fruit) they were delcious but probably not the best idea. After two blender fulls of mangritas most everyone was ready to pass out in fact most people did Tim (Jason's little brother) was out first and soon Jason followed, making it a point to sleep on the floor in my room... hey whatever... Nick Swain was the only one who stayed up late with Carls, Rin and I.

The night of all the action: and the day of all the lazy sickness! I called into work, even if it wasn't to hang out with the boys I would have had to from the massive hangover I had due to mangritas and too much rum. We took a field trip to taco bell/pizza hut for lunch, and discovered that tacos are NOT good hangover food. Jason can prove that by the time he spent laying on the floor in the Taco Bell bathroom puking, poor guy. When we got back mostly everyone passed out (they were all up early watching a movie, weird) Jason slept at least half the time he was over at my place LAME! But they probably needed the sleep since Sunday was the night of the show. So we were all hanging out and right before the boys left for the bar Swain quickly drank so much liquor that I still don't think I can really believe it. Okay honestly we've all seen people chug a beer, but you really haven't seen it done properly until you see Swain do it. SERIOUSLY. He had a tall glass of beer and chuged it in about two seconds, and I mean that literally. So before they leave the Jason brings nick a beer which is the last of the beer in the house. But deciding he needed to chug more made him a rum and coke, which was strong at least 3 shots or 4. So Nick chugs that nearly as easily, and Jason makes him two more, equal strength or maybe stronger which he chugs, so overall he had a beer and at least 10 shots of rum in about 10 minutes, then left for the show (now mind you they aren't that irresponsible (or so they thought) they still had about three hours until they had to play). So after a food run I realize that I need a nap since I didn't nap with everyone else and I'm really starting to feel like crap. So I nap until we leave for the show, right as I'm waking up I get a call from Jason telling me that they are going to play relatively soon so we take off still trying to round up troops to go to the show (which was a failure, and everyone that didn't come SUCKS (except claire she made me cookies to make up for it hehe)) so we got there as they were in the middle of their first song luckily we barely missed anything. The show was at Station 4 in St. Paul not a bad place besides the overabundance of poorly placed poles. This place had a pole right in the middle frong of the stage so it was hard to watch the show and see everyone, I still think Tim should have pole danced on it or something but maybe thats just me. After they go done playing we hung around the bar Swain shared with us that he was still indeed drunk which I found HILARIOUS. After awhile we were sitting with Jason and Tim just hanging out (me still feeling a little crapptastic) and this girl came up to tell them they were good and that normally she doesn't like covers but she liked theirs (they coved "Wonderwall" as their last song) and she stayed for an awkwardly long amount of time. Now I understand talking to the band but when they are with friends and hanging out don't linger long its annoyingly rude. She made some comment about how the band wasn't enthusiastic enough. And after she left Jason went on this rant including that they drove for 10 hours the day before and that there were mangritas and 6 hours ago he was laying on the floor of a tacobell bathroom which was all hilarious to hear. During Greenwheel the boys were helping out so we were left to our own devices. There was this one guy in the bar who kind of was creeping me out he was wearing an old Old Navy staff shirt and he kept looking at me. At one point I got up to watch Greenwheel and he came over and stood by me and was asking me questions when the song ended I left him abruptly. Later in the night I was telling Jason about him and he got a kick out of it then Carls spilled a drink on me and he yelled stuff from across the bar at me which included "ha you peed your pants" or something equally lame along those lines. LAME. Right before the bar closed Rin and Carls and I took off with the assurance that the boys knew how to get back... bad plan. They got lost. After they returned safely Jason and Swain got into a conversation about the drinking of a gallon of milk in an hour without having to puke, Swain saying he could Jason saying there was no way in hell, so they made a bet and Jason and JR and I went out to get the gallon of milk, but that wasn't the whole bet it was he couldn't drink a gallon of milk and eat a triple whopper (yes TRIPLE) and some fries and not puke for at least 30 minutes after the hour was up. Jason was completely giddy about the entire situation seriously I have never seen him so excited in my entire life. So of course we got almost all the the experience on film which is probably hilarous to watch. Swain finished the fries and the whopper and 3/4ths (give or take a cup) of the milk before it became painfully obvious it wasn't going to happen with 10 miunutes left in the hour he had to give up and puked a hell of a lot into the precautionary bucket we had placed. It was really stupid yet hilarious to watch at the same time. After watching Swain empty the 3/4ths gallon of milk-puke in the street everyone proceeded to pass out.

The band stayed for another two days at our place but they were mostly sleepy relaxing days before they had to get back on the road for a few more weeks. But it was still awesome to have them around, I totally miss them. But at the same time it is going to be awesome to see them play around Christmas time and to hopefully see at least Jason when I go home for thanksgiving, especially since he stole my belt, my pink seat belt belt! They also said they might be coming back in November before thanksgiving to play another show so that would be totally rad

While Swain was taking a shower the boys decided they needed a band picture so I came in the bathroom with them all and admist threats of opening the shower on Swain I took this picture, it's a little dark but hey still cute none the less. Nick Swain, Drums, obviously with the soap mohawk in ther shower. Tim Roy, Lead Vocals, Jason's little brother, fucking hilarious. Below JR Renusson, Bass, completely a sweetheart. And finally of course the one and only Jason Roy, Guitar and back up vocals. There you have the band Relapse.

Overall, for a week I felt burnout out and I think I was having a withdraw from Relapse but now things are back to normal, I still can't wait to see them all again
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