Jan 27, 2010 21:14
Well, yes I have way back when...but for some odd reason I want to watch that and Point Break now. *whistles nonchalantly*
My process of reading fic in a new fandom. 1. get recs. 2. read all fandom fic by authors (I like of rec'd fic and/or that I come across) 3. troll preferred comm and sort through fic, weeding out bad writing/other!pairings, finding out 'preferred writers' and all that & repeat 2. This is the most painful process when all I want to to is mainline (good) fic. And sadly, where I am right now. :( WANT.
So last night I started to watch Simon Pegg and Nick Frost-related YouTube vids as I was uploading goodies. Went through random videos before watching some fuzzcasts (Nick rocks those glasses<3) and a dozen Hot Fuzz video blogs...and then had to go to SLEEP. Many more to watch. But Simon/Nick=adorable. And so geeky. Especially Simon. What is it with me and geeky!hot adorable men?
I love there are many "new" things of theirs to watch (and I will!)...but I just adore Nicholas/Danny characters. <3
series: hot fuzz