Sep 12, 2009 02:10
- 10:23 btw: goody posted. not the ones I've been trying to get to work tho. #
- 10:23 @ luvinjrandsmoke I KNOW. it is awesome and awful and fantastic #
- 10:50 I hadn't realized Mark Carwardine's book w @stephenfry was released alrady I'm totally late to the party! #
- 10:56 Hm. I see that input is 25frames/sec while output is 30 frames/sec. HOW DO I FIX?! DAMNDAMN #
- 11:10 yay! I think I am set! damn this multi-step process! lol. I'm used to CLICK and having right away. #
- 11:35 should I spend $80 on three books? uh #
- 11:35 @ anglstrmoon that's sad! #
- 11:42 @ luvinjrandsmoke stephen fry, john and 3rd Stieg Larsson book. UK. damn P&P, tax. lol #
- 11:47 Avenue Q on bway closes this sunday! #
- 11:48 just a reminder, not like we're currently obsessed with Avenue Q, right @anglstrmoon? #
- 11:49 @ stardiver aw! LOL. it's awful and fantastic! didn't hit my sensitive embarrassment squick but then again I was 'watching' on the sly atwork #
- 11:49 @ Emyrldlady *HUGS* #
- 12:07 @ luvinjrandsmoke *checking site* never tried them! thanks #
- 12:09 Just remembers: "Oh, I have a muffin in my bag for breakfast!" *headdesk* #
- 12:15 @ anglstrmoon YES. thought it was the rain here, but could be LJ #
- 12:18 finally got those couple of pesky goodies posted! u know where! #
- 12:25 Hm.I see responses when I go to mentions but they're not showing up in my tweetstream. OK THERE. #
- 14:25 wondering if I should do lunch or ...not. blah day today #
- 15:19 @ anglstrmoon love chad! :D Also: it seems only YOUR tweets are not showing up in my tweet stream. Who doesn't want us to tweet each other?! #
- 15:24 finally checked my email&1of the many theatre emails had "THIS WEEK: John Barrowman" & I SO wanted it to be here :( #
- 15:28 also yes that was the link that you sent @lifefiction from days ago, but I got all excited while checking my 50+emails. lol #
- 15:32 @ anglstrmoon lunchtime! meatless balls? ...nah #
- 15:42 @ anglstrmoon guess what I just put on then? go on, guess! #
- 16:03 @ anglstrmoon rent! I already listened to avenue Q (multiple times) #
- 16:08 @ anglstrmoon maybe by then I'll have moved back to wicked. can u tell these things saturated my brain? I hadn't played wicked/rent in ages! #
- 16:47 RT @stephenfry: New miniblog - just saw this. damn tweetsream:( but thankfully found/ordered LAST CHANCE TO SEE. \o/ #
- 16:47 why is twitter acting up? #
- 19:54 @ anglstrmoon *waves* I'm guessing u got goodies? LOL. unless that was just a general exclaimation...which works, too! #
- 19:54 RT @YankeesWeather: The approximate start time of tonight's game should be 8:20pm. #
- 19:55 baby visit. adorable. now taking nap. the baby, not me. I wish I was tho! #
- 20:00 @ slandr wondering if the logo changed color by coincidence or based on new pink userpic I am using. logo is now pink, too! *pondering* #
- 20:07 i wish i had tap tap on my phone #
- 20:10 I wasn't allowed to play on way home with @lifefiction. but was allowed to listen to daniel as compromise. but i really want to play now. #
- 20:58 need coffee. need dinner. need it not to rain and make my bad ankle act up. and my back. bah! #
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