Stephen Fry in America 02: Deep South.
watching now, love it just for stephen's divine accent, asking about wifi and cell phone access whilst in a mine and "It's so shiny!" and mussed!Stephen. ohmy.
-I can't imagine working day-in/day-out underground; mining...As Stephen states, "charming, but best left to the experts."-
Is it just me or is his GARMIN (GPS unit) oddly placed? Sort of mid-window? Or is it just the angle?
-Stephen. KEN-tucky. ass. distillery. Ruffled. I'LL HAVE A LITTLE LIE-DOWN WITH YOU STEVIE! hee. <3
Stephen, plus one black cab, in London, KY. <3 Is that an EZ-PASS in his window?
--Short back and sides? Burrs? World Chicken Festival? Colonel Sanders...oy. Stephen and the little boy. TOO FUNNY. <3 Stephen's haircut! From the front he looks much as he did in the 80s. Don't know about the back--
TENNESSEE; he's so cute looking on the banjo player...Mount'n Gap! Girl? I thought he said "gal" initally, too.
TN GUY: Ya'll talk funny ovah theres, don'tchas?
SF: Do you think?
Stephen meeting a girl called Rebecca in a car park...codename or not, you need to be careful with meeting girls in car parks! *peeps through fingers* hope this isn't too gross...
REMINDER TO SELF: Do not trespass in TN into gated areas behind car parks...especially if there are bin liners around. AND if so, DO NOT STEP ON ANY TRASH BAGS and for goodness sake, LITTER! DO NOT OPEN TRASH CANS!
I WOULDN'T BE GROWN-UP ABOUT IT, STEPHEN! And I probably would have sullied their research. Stephen's body does quite a bit of good for me...
Big hot air balloon! wow. Stephen is so tiny! And his eyes seem really bright and blue as he looks around. GOOD LORD!
I can see why Stephen liked the gullah teacher lady, Anita. The book and series work well together, but...le sigh.
THANKSGIVING! Ever the gentleman, is our Stephen. opening the taxi door. <3 Tennessee walking horse. Shadow. meep. Bloody mary. THE SISTERS! um. teh singing. STEPHEN "SINGING"...and reading? Isn't it GORGEOUS?! Stephen's toast.
Do you know it took me an embarrassing not-little while to realize TURKEY=Christmas in UK because they wouldn't have just had it for Thanksgiving. *slaps forehead*
(Miami and Miami Beach) Florida, no love. Stephen.
Will have to check what he says about above in the book. If he does; I can't remember.
Stephen likes deco. Me, too. Neopolitan ice cream! Recently saw his mention in GQ.
Oh, that's right. snow birds. from The Book. We didn't see the sweet not-couple. But we saw him in the everglades. *giggle*
alabama: yep. We didn't see the case discussed in the book (not that I expected to see it...) But stephen at the football game? aw. his face.
Dubbing mixer = Nick Fry. Any relation or just a coinky-dink?
I have an early (and also a busy, long) day tomorrow, but just had to watch. <3 Sadly I will have to leave the Blackadder Exclusive: The Whole Rotten Saga for tomorrow. wibble. Need? Will share if nobody else gets there first. But I still won't have seen it. doublewibble.