(no subject)

Mar 26, 2006 21:29

Swear to shake it up, if you swear to listen
Oh, we're still so young, desperate for attention

Okay soo anyways,I spent this whole weekend in GAYling.

I really don't know how to explain what happened tonight but I will give it a shot. So I went to Alyssia's for dinner and then Phil calls and is coming over. And then Alan has to tag along. We go to Kroger then go back to Alyssia's. We are all up in Alyssia's bed studying for the ACT... kind of and then the boys go downstairs to get cake. Then Alyssia goes downstairs to get cake. Then it is just me studying for the ACT. Then Phil comes back upstairs and the next thing I know Alyssia is leading Alan into her sisters room. Leaving me to fend for myself with Phil, which isn't horrible because I like Phil but whateve. So I assume, knowing Alan, this should take about 3 minutes and they will be back. But Alyssia leaves me by myself for going on an hour. This whole time all I can think is that I came over here for dinner not to hang out not to have to sit and listen to Alyssia and Alan's sex-capades. That was great. So Phil is leaving and since she continues to make no effort to give me the light of day. I decide I will leave. Upon my drive home I am very annoyed and I decide that I want to call Justyn because... well we had been talking about him earlier in the day. Probably a bad call on my part, seeing that Alyssia has asked me not to. But putting all logic to the wind I call. No answer. He calls back later. So against my better judgement I tell him everything, since he seems to be a fairly understanding guy. However, he is a very understanding guy who used to be Alyssia's boyfriend so any talk of a new boy would obviously be agrivating to him. Whatever we talk. I find an understanding. I feel better. Then Alyssia calls to apologize. And stupid me I tell her about talking to Justyn changing the minor detail of me calling him first. Seemingly minimal however, later consequently monumentous. So now we are talking and I am completely ripping into Alyssia for what happend earlier. Then coincidentally Justyn calls and tells her that it wasn't him but me that called first. Now Alyssia comes back to my conversation seemingly over joyed with this new piece of information beause now it is me in the wrong, not her. fighting continues. "I'm going to bed" which really means she is going to call Justyn back and we are off the phone. Minutes later she calls me back, "This is why I didn't want you talking to Justyn, we just got in a fight and we aren't talking" reading between the lines I believe that she is telling me this is all my fault. I hang up and then who calls, but Justyn. "OMG I can't believe your exactly like Alyssia said. All you want to do is start drama." and all I hear is blahblahblha your a dirty hoe. So I hang up and then I have a voicemail and I check it and it's Kyle. And then he calls me back again on the house phone and I am relieved to talk to anyone who is not looking to yell at me. Because i forgot to include that the Sam Smeed fan club has been sending me hate mail back and forth telling me to name a time and a place for us to scrap. And so much is going on I am estatic to talk to Kyle about Meap and ACT and Bowling and stupid immature trivial things but all I can think about at the time is that I am losing my best friend and that I want my baby to come back home.

Alyssia Nicole Gutierrez born Feb. 12 1989. My best friend has a boyfriend. And for the first time in my life I feel in second place. I never meant to start trouble over this. I never meant to bring Justyn into this. I never meant to bring anyone else in to this. I never meant for any of this to happen. He who must not be named ACC has ruined every part of my life. And when Alyssia asked me if I was jealous I was taken aback. The irony is not that I was taken a back because I am jealous of her and Alan together. I love her and Alan together. I just don't like the fact that Alan is taking away the attention that I have rightfully acquired through hours of dedication, love and compassion. Any hardship she has gone through in the past year I have been there and I don't think that he could say the same. Somehow however this view seems to be confused in her head. Because the only person she wants to cling to is Alan. ANd that my friends is oxytosin.

Anna Christine Safko born Feb. 11 1989. Future undetermined. Friendships undetermined. Boyfriends undetermined. The fact that Pook called me friday night and that I was unable to answer the phone kills me. Because like Alyssia said when relating to Justyn. He is just that one guy that will always be yours. No matter how many girls he dates, or times he leaves, whatever the distance, you know he will always be back and you know you will always be waiting there at the door to give him a hug and welcome him home. Because it is boys like this that get to girls like us. They come and go as they please without any disregard to our feelings, to our plan, to our hopes. And somewhere down the line we date other great guys but the problem is that, in the back of your mind you will always be thinking of that one boy.
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