well that's just stupid. and wrong.

Oct 21, 2010 14:23

This is someone's 'status' thingy on Facebook.

"‎99% of teenagers would cry if they saw Justin Bieber standing on the top of a skyscraper about to jump... If you are the other 1% standing there with popcorn, 3D glasses and screaming "DO A BACK FLIP!" copy and paste this as your status"

Okay, first of all ... if you were there why exactly would you need 3D glasses? Life is already in 3D ... for most people. I guess there might be some people with vision problems who only see 2D. Maybe? I don't know.

Second. 99%? Yeah, uhm. How about no. I like to think that most teenagers are better than that. And by "better than that" I mean, "loathe Justin Bieber."

Why is Facebook so stupid?

facebook, ugh

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