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gwendolynmstacy March 21 2009, 03:02:12 UTC
I don't even understand Hell Math!Show Wise. I tried to figure it out but maybe it was only 5 to 6 months John was in Hell but then again that wouldn't make sense because 4 months = 40 years. Hell I don't know. IMO, for me, non show wise (and book wise) I like to think it's 1 month=100 years but then again I took that thought of having no sense of time in the Pit out there.

I'm finding myself wondering if Kripke needs a calculator. EVEN I can't understand his logic.

If there is SPN!God I do not think he's paying too much attention or is too busy to care about Uriel. Sure, Lucifer was cast out (and probably Uriel would have been too) but he probably just said 'Eh I'll let her kill him instead of dealing with another one' because I'm pretty sure that he's had to deal with ALOT more than that over the years. *shrug* I can see him sitting at a desk leafing through this kind of stuff like 'I'll get to that today. Now where did I put my key for the 'Winchester' cabinet?'

Quentin: Your affection for your charge has rendered you incapable of clear and impartial judgment. You have a father's love for the child, and that is useless to the cause.

THANK YOU. I rewatched tonight and Castiel is so friggin blinded by humanity it isn't even funny and he doesn't even realize it all that much.


certainthings March 22 2009, 02:42:00 UTC
this is how Kripke adds. (around the 1:00 mark) True fact.

The SPN!God is totally like that.


gwendolynmstacy March 22 2009, 03:30:23 UTC
LOL! I'm beginning to think that is definitely true.

He is. He really is.


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