Jan 13, 2007 00:28
.48 - Sex, or the lack of it, the continuing saga! Current mood: loved Category: Religion and Philosophy Hi every one of ya! What does Religion, Philosphy, Sex, or the lack of sex have in common? Read on and understand. For those of you who do not know me, which is probably every one of ya, I am a sex driven man. It is in my nature. I'm not as sex driven as I was in my youth, and in my olde age I look back and realise that God has a reason for all our actions and emotions. All of our wants, needs, desires and feeling. Even though, we rationalize our place in the Universe, we do things that make sense to us as we do it and when all is said and done, the results are completely opposite of our carnal intent. So, back to sex. I was living a block off Mississippi Avenue, on Park and next door to me was a nieghbor and his girlfriend who took in a young mother and manchild infant whom were in separation from her husband, his father. She was a very good looking, desirable woman. To me the epitome of sex and made my loins move with lust to just think of her, let alone to see her. I found myself early off from work near noon for the lunch hour and rather than go out to eat, I in a lustfull mood thought I'd go home, maybe run into her and get lucky, share a nooner with her. (Such is fantasy). I wasn't wasn't half way from my car to my back door when part of my fantasy came true. She came running out of her house towards me. (This is where my fantasy ended). In her arms was her infant son, turning blue, as his mother was hysterically screaming to God, for help! I ran to them and took the child in my hands, turned him upside and gave him a mini Hiemlick Maneuver and in the same motion brought him up to my face and sucked the phlem from his mouth and spit it out as I handed him back to his mother. I then put them both in my car and carried them to the hospital. It seems, the boy had a severe untreated head cold/congestion and when it emptied it covered his airway completely and had enhaled it down his windpipe while sobbing and crying, as infants tend to do. I met his Father as I was leaving the hospital, who thanked me for saving his son's life and for carrying them both to the hospital. I believe the whole family has been reunited since that day. I thanked God, and still thank God, for using my lust for another man's wife to bring me into that infants life on that day, at that moment. Most likely, if it weren't for my carnality, that young man would have expired that day, at that moment and quite possibly mother, father and child would not have reconciled. Such are my experiences with sex, or the lack of it. My philosophy about this is that no matter how we rationalize our actions in life, there is a greater purpose than our own carnal wants and needs. That, God does work in mysterious ways we can not fathom, yet we can see after the fact.