Jun 08, 2005 15:26
So after being home nearly a month I have finally finished cleaning and unpacking all the crap that occupied my room... I am such a procrastinator it was just sitting there for so long.
Now that I am home, I haven't been on as much just due to the fact that even though my brother fixed my wireless connection to our home computer, my wireless card has decided to go crazy and drop the connection every 5-10 minutes.
So what else has happened since i have been home.. Finally confirmed that i am going to Univ. of Mary Washington next year, still debating with my parents whether i will be living on campus or at home, i swear by all things holy that if i have to stay at home i am gonna go insane.. Also got a new car, its a dark red used 2001 Ford Focus. I had to get it, what with my brother rolling our Rav4 and totalling it ::tear tear:: but this car is gonna be mine and mine exclusively. I am paying car payments and insurance on it and everything, so I don't have to share it with anyone!! IT IS MINE muahah!!!
Lastly I am working as much as i humanly can at Aquia Landing this summer, getting back all the money i spent during the course of the school year, and stocking up as much money as i can for car payments, next year, etc.
So other then all of that and becoming madly obsessed with Guild Wars w/ Chris and Sam.. not much else has happened recently... hopefully now that I can actually go out and do stuff during the day now that i have finished all that i need to in the house i will be able to hang more with people, so definitely give me a ring.. Later