Awesomely Awesomeness

Apr 22, 2005 00:14

So today was pretty cool, i went my first class(aside from labs) this week.. then i braved the longass metro ride to head out to GMU to see My Chemical Romance for free with Alana and Matt!! My Chemical Romance was so awesome, and i started out the show like in the second row so i was so insanely close to them.. The only thing i didn't like was that the crowd was insane and i got shoved around like no ones business.I wouldn't be surprised if I have insane bruising on my back tomorrow or something.. I had lots of fun, and my throat is so scratchy and such.. and the entire ride home i had nothing but clips of songs stuck in my head. I really really wish i had a digital camera though, that would be nice considering all i had was my crappy-ass camera phone, so i have colored blobs that represent each band member.
On a semi-related note, i saw the one person at GMU that would have been interesting if we had bumped into each other, i don't think he saw me though.. which was probably the best thing, cuz i was enjoying myself and i can't predict what the outcome of that meeting would have been like..
Other then that today has been awesome, and tomorrow should be too cuz i am going home and then all the way down to W&M to see chris for the weekend and party harty with him and such..
So yayness for right now!!
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