Random Helping #80: Academic paper-writing is so boring!

Jan 30, 2010 12:13

I feel the sudden need to write something. And academic writing DOES NOT COUNT. I'm sick of constantly having to refer to Thesaurus to look for "bombastic" words to use for my assignments and essays. OTL

I'm telling you, I'm sick of looking and looking for statistics for my "practice project paper" assignment. But at the same time, I feel kinda guilty cuz I keep putting it off. It's the weekend and I had been planning to finish it off by today but IDK for some reason, the info I keep getting does not seem to relate so much to what Mr.P had asked us to look for. Topic? Should the society support the pregnant teenageer and her child? And, he wanted us to look for statistics, or graphs to prove that the rates either have been increasing or declining. Thing is, we were supposed to submit those infos yesterday but apparently the ones that I showed him were rendered "irrelevant" and I had no idea that he wanted us to look for the infos only from English sites. The ones I retrieved were from Malay sites and I thought I could just translate it and then use it for my essay. But noooooo.

"This is Understanding Reading & Writing Class. You're not supposed to translate, you're supposed to read. And write," he replied nonchalantly.

Fine. Reading it is.

Looking for the information he requested had proved to be rather tasking. I mean, a couple of other students in the class have decided to research on Australia and Canada. I can't seem to make up my mind. Should I do Japan? Or Germany? Or Denmark? IDK. *sighs*

Whoopsie. Mum just called; requesting another chore to be done. Hanging the laundry. Oh what fun. There goes my weekend. *headdesk*


random helping

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