Nov 06, 2009 15:00
I hate Mr.T. No, scratch that. I dislike Mr.T with fiery passion. Seriously.
He needs to stop assuming that all of his students are aspiring to become Mathematical freak IT engineer like him. Does he not know that some of his students are potential, say, interpreters or magazine editors and NOT all of them wants to be businessmen/women and engineers?
And he didn't need have to go: "=OOOOOOO YOU HAVE NOT LEARNED THIS IN HIGH SCHOOL!!??? OH MY DEAR GAWWWWDD!!!! YOU'RE IN BIG DANGER BLA BLA BLA" over the fact that I had never studied Additional Mathematics during high school just 'cuz I was a Pure Arts-streamed student.
STOP. With the generalization already, Mr.T. It's getting on my nerves! DDD=< See, even Ohkura is not pleased!
random helping