Title: Childsplay
Rating: G
WC: 179
Characters: Dick, Roy
Summary: New dogs shouldn't use old tricks
A/N: For Pervy, for being an awesome friend, and finding me gorgeous scans
Arsenal blinked at the bad guy. This guy wasn't serious. He'd captured Dick? And done that? Oh, Dick was gonna be pissed. No one had done that to Dick since he was in short pants.
"Aren't you going to rescue your little friend?" The bad guy asked smarmily.
Roy leaned on his bow, still tense. "In another five minutes, you are going to be the unhappiest criminal to ever walk the planet." C'mon shortpants... He knew what would happen if he went after Dick with him in this state.
"I'm going to filet your leader," the criminal snarled.
"Not gonna happen," Arsenal replied, outwardly confident, but getting worred as the time went by and DIck didn't appear. One minute, two minutes. He'd just stopped leaning on the bow and grabbed an arrow when a chain went around the guy's neck in a choke hold.
"Losing faith in me Speedy?" Nightwing chuckled as the guy passed out. Nightwing looked at him in disgust.
"Nah," Arsenal responded. "If the boy hostage couldn't get out of a little chain tying him up..."
*comments and criticism are welcome, appreciated and taken into consideration.