Fic: Love and Soul

Sep 18, 2007 01:44

Title: Love and Soul
Disclaimer: Don’t own any of it, wish I did
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Jay/Joey, Rose, Mia
Series: Robin’s of Gotham Other parts here.
Summary: Questing is annoying and evil witches are worse.
A/N: A thousand and one thanks to pervyficgirl for beta’ing this for me.

"Guys?" Mia called. They followed her voice to where there was a tiny old man,dead in the chair, blood dried that had dripped down the chair, and splattered on the walls.

"Well, fuck." Jay glared at the body. "Now what?"

"Hmmm." Mia examined the body. "Stabbed Too skinny to be a sword, but double-edged- dagger, most likely…been dead less than an hour. Someone knew we were coming."

"No shit." Rose held out a piece of paper, stabbed into the table with a dagger.

To gain what is lost, let the soul who is healer follow the love god will increase, while the one by any other name would smell as sweet follow the sea of bitterness to find the golden fleece but tarry not for by three days and three hours. Make your farewell and welcome to hell.

"What the hell?" Jay growled.

"It's a quest," Mia replied. "The first bit is probably you and Joey, and the second is me and Rose."

"How'd you figure?" Rose asked.

"Mia means 'sea of bitterness' and a rose by any other name would smell as sweet," Mia replied.

"Damn, that sucks," Jay said after a moment. Who the hell would name their kid "sea of bitterness"? He wished he knew who Mia's parents were, so he could kill them, painfully as possible.

"Which means one of us is soul healer and one of us is 'love god increases’." Jay glanced at Joey. "Got any ideas?"

"God will increase," Joe replied.

"So you're a grower?" Jay smirked.

"Shower, too." Joe raised an eyebrow.

"And I believe your name means just healer." Mia frowned. She only knew a little sign language, but she did have two older brothers, not to mention she wasn't exactly inexperienced herself, so she had a pretty good idea what they were talking about, smirking like that. Rose just rolled her eyes at her brothers. She knew what they were talking about and she didn't need to think about their equipment or what they did with it, besides not using it entirely to think.

"So, got any ideas on what the hell is happening?" Rose asked. "Why're we getting the golden fleece?"

"I'm not certain, but I believe Jericho and Jay will be reenacting Psyche and Cupid," Mia replied.

"What do I get to kill?" Jay asked.

"Actually, nothing," Mia answered. "Your goal is to complete several quests in order to prove your love for Jericho and be as sugary sweetly nice as possible." Jay grimaced and then grinned mischievously.

"Prove my love for him?" Jay snickered and leered at Jericho. That didn't sound too bad.

"Love, not lust." Mia whacked him over the head. Jay pouted at his sister-in-law.

"And what will I be doing?" Joe asked.

"Don't know, longing for Jay?" Mia frowned thoughtfully. "Trying to get to him too, I think? But you don't get the questing things." Jericho grimaced. He didn't like this.

"So we do this, and what?" Jay frowned.

"I don't know, but we need to do it within two days and two hours," Mia replied. "I would assume as soon as we walk out of the cabin, we start."

"Alright," Jay nodded. "Do you have an idea of what you're going to be doing?"

"I studied Fairy tales last semester, and did a quick study of the most famous Greek myths before we left," Mia replied. "Just don't kill anything that talks, be careful of destroying any foliage and ask before you take anything. Don't even kill any ants. You'll need the ants during the second part of the quest. So if you find one in trouble, rescue it. Especially if you can hear it talk."

"Okay." Jay nodded. "Don't let anyone kill you. I am not explaining to your fathers why I let you get killed. Especially you two." He glanced at Rose and Joey

"Same to you," Jericho replied, pulling Jay in, and kissing him. "Nor your brothers." He kissed him again, pushing Jay against the wall. Jay moaned into the kiss, hand grasping at Jericho's uniform.

Mia and Rose rolled their eyes, going through the cabin quickly, gathering up any books, papers, weaponry laying around, as well as anything that looked interesting, and Rose's senses didn't set off as dangerous to even move. They'd torch the place before they set off on their own quest. Rose took the dagger that killed the old man. She'd shove it somewhere unpleasant on the person who killed the old man.

"Guys, let's get this done with." Rose finally broke her brothers apart. "Stop sucking face."

"Spoilsport." Joe glared.

"Yeah, I just want to get somewhere with a tub," Rose replied. "And this isn't gonna be fun."

"No, it's really not, especially since I have a feeling they won't Disneyfy the quests," Mia agreed. Jay and Joey exchanged one last kiss and then they stepped back out into the sunshine. Joey disappeared as soon as the sun hit him, and Mia nodded. "Good luck. And remember what I said."

"Yeah." Jay nodded, setting off in one direction.


Joe stared into the still pond, showing him Jay's quest. He'd been given luxurious enough quarters, and invisible servants had shown him where everything was. He just wasn't allowed to leave. He hoped Jay used the patience and intelligence he was capable of. This wasn't a situation Jay could plow straight through. He'd have to be clever. He watched Jay read through the first instruction, laughing at the face Jay made. Apparently Jay thought getting water from the middle of a waterfall was an idiotic task. He hoped Jay didn't just kill the fire breathing goats.

Settling down with the requisite fruit in a bowl, and pillows around the pond, he started figuring out how to tune the picture in to specifics. He didn't bother to figure out if he could get sound. He didn't need it. Jay was an open book, at least to him, and he was used to reading people a lot harder to figure out. He smiled when Jay figured out how to charm a hawk into getting the water for him, and relaxed. One task out of the way, two more to go.

He watched Jay set up camp and frowned when in the fire, Jay saw false images of him being tortured. That wasn't in the story. He wished there was some way for him to tell Jay the images were false. Jay didn't need to be kept up all night with those images. He needed to be rested.

Dozing off as Jay wrapped himself in his blanket, Joe woke to Jay already on the second quest, determination and rage vibrating from him. Joe sent a silent plea for Jay to not get hot headed and screw up the quest. He'd fight his way out of course, but it would probably be easier if they just obeyed the rules of this farce. The day passed slowly as Jay tried to sort the grains into their piles, too enraged to notice the ants all around him until late in the day. This forced the quest to be nearly a day behind.

Jay continued to sort the grains all night. He knew the ants said they'd help, but however he could get this done faster, would be best. He had one more quest to do to get his boyfriend back, and damned if he was going to be stupid and let him get tortured more than he could avoid. Fuckers were going to die. Painfully. He was going to rip them limb from limb with his bare hands, and then drizzle them with honey, and turn them over to his new ant friends. They deserved a treat for offering to help him. He watched them get the job done quickly, even going through the piles he'd started and resorting out the few he'd messed up.

Reading the last of the instructions, he cursed. The underworld was not his favorite place to be, and he really hated dealing with gods. And for such a stupid thing as ‘youthful beauty’? But whoever it was, was gonna need a helluva lot of beauty after Jay was done with them. Every clear surface showed more scenes of Joe being tortured, tears coming down his cheeks, agonized expression. Getting into the underworld was easy enough. He did technically belong there, and they recognized that. Getting the beauty off of Persephone just required him letting his rage out…not hard. Getting out was slightly harder, but by then, he just needed to be done so he plowed through. He was exhausted, raging, and needed to get his Joey out. He reached the appointed point, and saw Rose and Mia already waiting.

"Turn Jericho over, now," Jay said softly. "And show yourself."

"Put the box in the circle, little boy," a voice echoed strangely around him. Jay followed the instruction and the lights swirled weirdly around him, leaving Jay in Joe's quarters. He fell to his knees at the landing.

"I'm fine," Joe reassured Jay.

"Show yourself," Jay yelled. "Now!" Joe pulled out a sword.

"No," the voice replied. "You're mine now."

"Fuck if we are, get the girls here, and fucking show yourself you pansy assed, two-faced, bastard fucking kid of a pig and goat!" Jay screamed.

*comments and criticism are welcome, appreciated, and taken into consideration.*

joey, rog, jay/joey, jay, rose, mia

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