Fic: Meeting a New Ally

Jul 28, 2007 22:25

Title: Meeting A New Ally
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: Don’t own, wish I did... someone needs to kick DC’s editors arses.
Series: Prequel to my Supergirl and Superboy series.
Summary: First time meeting between Dick Grayson and Kiera Kent
A/N A thousand and one thanks to the wonderful and talented pervyficgirl for betaing this.

"Why are you making me do this?" Kiera glared mutinously at her cousin's boyfriend.

"Because if you're going to run the company some day, you need to be socialized," Lex replied patiently. "You have to know these people." Clark leaned back in the limo's seat, watching his lover and cousin argue. He knew better than to get involved in their fights. Two of the most stubborn, willful people he'd ever met. The only one more stubborn and willful he could name was his dad.

"I could just look them up online," Kiera replied folding her arms across her chest. "I don't need to meet them and they're all a bunch of idiots anyway." Constantly talking about who was dating who, and what each of them was wearing, like that stuff mattered.

"An old school friend of mine is going to be there with his young ward today. I've heard he's cute." Lex rubbed his forehead. Why did he have to go through this argument every time Kiera was required to attend a formal occasion? She was easy going normally.

"And?" Kiera asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Look, if you cooperate, I'll let you come in to work with me and insult the board members’ planning skills again." Lex sighed. That eyebrow raising should not be allowed over eyes the same green-blue as Clark's own. It was just wrong. He hoped she'd take the bribe. He hadn't let her come to work with him since school had started. Clark wanted her to hang out with kids her own age, have what was left of a normal childhood.

"Do I have to be nice to the empty headed inheritance kids?" Kiera questioned.

"You can only be rude if they start it, and you have to stay for at least two hours," Lex bargained.

"Four days at Lex Corp, two in R&D." Kiera frowned.

"One day, half in R&D," Lex replied.

"Three days, one and a half in R&D," Kiera shot back.

"Two, one in R&D." Lex shook his head. "Final offer."

"Deal." Kiera held out a hand. With a handshake, the deal was sealed, and Kiera leaned back in her seat, watching Metropolis go by. Clark wrapped his arm around Lex as Lex sagged back in his own seat. Lex smiled at him, pressing a kiss to Clark's hand. Clark grinned back.

"And none of it with the Kryptonite, Kiera," Clark said warningly.

"Kal." Kiera rolled her eyes. "I'm not an idiot, I know how badly that crap affects me. I'm not gonna go intentionally trying to kill myself."

"I'm just saying," Clark said. "Sometimes your research fervor overrides your better judgment."

"Big words, cuz, swallowed a dictionary?" Kiera snarked irritably.

"I am a journalism major." Clark refused to get ruffled by his younger cousin's attempt to irritate him. No matter how good at it she'd gotten. Damned Lex probably taught her that, along with everything else he'd managed to teach her. He was glad his college stuff meant Lex had to do the lion share of dealing with her. They got on like a house afire anyway. Something about Luthors and Kryptonians…

Disembarking from the limo, they did the usual smile and nod at the paparazzie, Mercy guarding them, and strode casually into the hotel that was hosting the function.

"Ah, Mr Luthor, Mr. Kent, Miss Kiera, welcome." The hostess smiled. "Run along to the secondary ballroom dear, the rest of your age group is holed away back there."

"Lex?" Kiera asked hoping to get out of it; the adults were more interesting normally.

"Go ahead." Lex nodded with a smile. "Have fun and don't do anything I wouldn't do." Kiera smiled lightly, eyes promising retribution of the painful sort as she walked towards the secondary ballroom, stopping to chat a few times with known people.

"Leaving her options a bit open, aren't you Lex?" a suave young man with intense blue eyes asked.

"Bruce!" Lex smiled. "How are you?" Clark studied the man, this friend of Lex's. He wasn't sure how he felt about meeting this guy. had said they were involved back in boarding school.

"I'm doing wonderfully," Bruce replied, a light smile on his face. "Who's this?"

"This is my partner, Clark," Lex replied, wrapping an arm around Clark's waist. "And I trust Kiera, she's very mature for her age, unlike I was."

"Your diamond in the corn farms boyfriend?" Bruce asked. Clark sighed, he'd heard ever single variation of asking what a farm boy had to do to get Lex. If only they'd known. "And Kiera is your…?"

"Cousin," Clark replied.

"She's incredibly talented." Lex smiled proudly.

"Oh?" Bruce asked. "I do hope Dick is doing alright back there."

"Your ward?" Lex asked. "The circus child?"

"Yes.” Bruce smiled fondly.


Kiera sighed. An hour and a half to go, and she'd not been able to procrastinate dealing with her peers any longer. If only one or two had any useful intelligence these evenings might be worthwhile. But they only seemed interested in living off mommy and daddy's money for as long as possible, probably dying early from doing something stupid, or getting marooned on a deserted island like that Oliver Queen guy had a few years back. Although, from what Lex said, if it changed her peers as well as it had Oliver Queen, she'd maroon them herself.

"Why don't you go back where you belong?" Oh Joy, Cynthia Carlyle was here. One of the worst of her set who almost seemed to show glimmers of intelligence but seemed to use it for petty evil rather than anything worth while. Thank goodness Cynthie had stopped trying to play that game with her, after she'd had Lex buy out some of Cynthia's father's company.

"Wonder what you gotta do to be his ward, anyway?" Rickie Sallo, Cynthia's trained lapdog boyfriend jeered. Great, who were they teasing this time?

She hated interfering, but there were times she had to use her powers for good, or at least that's what Clark said. And Lex said it was all right to humiliate stupid peers, so long as you did it tastefully and with class.

"Bravo Rickie, you almost made an double entendre." Kiera strode over to the knot of people. "And Cynthia, such a pretty dress today. I wore one almost exactly like it, to the Christmas party last month at Lex's work. Funny how similar our tastes are, even if you are a bit late, as usual."

"Ah, the other misfit." Cynthia's eyes snapped, and her fingers curled at the insult. Her tone mockingly sweet as she turned to face the young upstart who thought she was better than everyone else, just because her cousin was screwing Lex Luthor. "Come down from Lex's penthouse to consort with the rest of us again, Princess Kiera?"

"Yes, it is a pity so few of us already have independent incomes." Kiera sighed sadly. She already jointly held a couple patents with Lex from some stuff they'd fiddled around with back in Smallville. "Who's your latest victim Lady Cynthia?"

"I'm Dick Grayson." Dick smiled.

"Let me introduce around. I promise most of Metropolis has manners," Kiera replied. "Wayne's ward?"

"Yes," Dick replied warily.

"Lex's little shadow," Kiera introduced herself. "I'm Kiera Kent."

"Bruce mentioned you." Dick grinned. "Pleasure to meet such a beautiful lady." He bowed.

"Seems they grow them polite in Gotham." Kiera mock curtsied. "It's a pleasure to make the acquaintance of such a refined gentleman."

"All Alfie's doing," Dick disclaimed as they walked away from the poisonous group of spoiled brats. "Want to blow this joint?"

"You have no idea," Kiera replied. "But I promised Lex I'd socialize for two hours. I get to go to work with him if I keep my word. C'mon, a couple of the kids here aren't complete wastes of space."

"Lead on." Dick laughed as Kiera led them to the slightly less affluent, but a lot more tolerable kids.

After searching futilely around the kids’ ballroom, Lex finally made his way out to the balcony, finding Kiera outside with another teenager, that one doing a handstand. "Kiera." Lex frowned, strolling over to them. "I thought I told you to socialize with your peers."

"I am, Lex. This is Dick, Dick, this cranky guy is my cousin's partner, Lex Luthor." Kiera smiled fondly at Lex. Dick dropped out of the handstand he'd been holding on the balcony and smiled.

"Dick Grayson; Bruce's told me a lot about you." Dick held out his hand. Lex shook it firmly.

"Dick, can you get through a night without gymnastics?" Bruce questioned, having followed Lex to find their charges.

"Sorry sir, that was my fault, Dick was telling me about his abilities, and I couldn't resist asking for a demonstration," Kiera said apologetically. "I've never been to a circus and Dick's tales were fascinating."

"And I'm sorry for dragging Kiera away from everyone else, I needed some air." Dick smiled charmingly. Lex and Bruce exchanged glances and sighed.

"It's time to get going, Dick," Bruce said.

"Look me up when you come to Gotham?" Dick asked.

"Sure, give me a ring if you're back in Metropolis," Kiera agreed. "Bruce'll have Lex's number."

"And Lex probably has Bruce's," Dick grinned. "Stay out of trouble Kier."

"You stay away from wastes of space, Dickie," Kiera agreed. Bruce with Dick in tow exited the balcony.

"Kara Zor-el, please tell me you two didn't spend all night out here with him?" Lex demanded.

"Okay." Kiera grinned saucily.

"You two are going to be splashed across every gossip mag from here to Star City," Lex shook his head, smiling in spite of himself.

"That's the plan, Uncle Lex." Kiera laughed. "S'long as we're 'involved' we won't have to chase off the treasure hunters, and idiots who think we were born last night."

"You two are going to be a scary combination," Lex predicted.

"If at all possible." Kiera nodded.

"Is there anything more to it?" Lex questioned.

"Rao no, I'm thirteen Lex." Kiera rolled her eyes. "Ew. I don't want a boyfriend for a long time. Do you think Clark'll let me go out with him tomorrow night? I did behave, and followed directions."

"Maybe, but you'll have to ask him," Lex replied, ushering her out.

*comments and criticism are welcome, appreciated and taken into consideration*

dick, misc: ans, character: clark kent, character: bruce wayne, supergirl, lex

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