Private Park

Mar 27, 2007 08:08

Title: Private Park
Disclaimer: Don’t own, wish I did
Rating: PG
Characters: Roy/Dick, Tim/Kon, Jason, Lian, Damian, Helena
Series: Robin’s of Gotham Side-story Other parts here.
Summary: A day at the park
A/N: A thousand and one thanks to pervyficgirl for beta’ing this for me.

“C’mon, Damie!” Lian called, hurrying towards the center of the field. Bruce had just finished installing a playground for the kids in his backyard and this was supposed to be their inaugural trip.

“I’m comin’, Lian,” Damian replied, hurrying after her. “Slow down!”

“Alright.” Lian slowed long enough for Damian to catch up. “This is so cool! We got a playground all to ourselves.”

“Daddy’s awesome.” Damian nodded. “He said that since me ‘n’ Lena would need a playground for years to come, we ought to have one of our own.” He smiled, satisfied with living with his Daddy and big brothers and little sister. He missed his mommy sometimes, but he hadn’t seen her much when he had lived with her, so it wasn’t as much as he thought he would. Plus, Selina was a cool mommy person too, even if she did send him to his room without supper last night for not sharing with Helena.

He’d never gotten sent to his room before he moved in with everyone, but Lian said that sometimes she got sent to her room too, so he figured that it was a normal thing. And Tim and Dick had told him they got grounded too sometimes. But Jay said he’d not really gotten grounded until he moved in with Daddy too. Lian said that getting grounded and having Daddy lecture him was a sign Daddy loved him, ‘cause they wouldn’t care if they didn’t love him. Lian was really smart so Damian believed her. She said it was like with the nicknames. They wouldn’t give you a nickname if they didn’t like you. That’s why they called him Damie and Baby-Wing. Lian said she didn’t have a name one, like he got called Damie, but her Daddy called her Dart.

“Wait up you two,” Tim called up at them. “The playground isn’t going to run away.” He was carrying a camera bag. Kon was floating next to him with the picnic basket, and Jay had the blanket. Roy and Dick brought up the rear with Helena and all the items the baby needed.

“Of course it isn’t, Uncle Tim. If it did that’d be mean and you guys would have to go and fight it and we’d have to go back to the manor.” Lian pouted.

“It’s a figure of speech, Lian,” Tim explained. “It means calm down and let us old folks catch up.”

“Then why didn’t you say so?” Lian demanded, exasperated. “Instead of making us worry like that.”

“Just slow down okay? I do want to get some pictures taken to add to The Album.” Tim smiled. “And I’m sure your Daddies would like to see your expression when you see the park.” They grinned at being told their play day would go into The Album. Only important stuff went in Tim’s Album.

“Hmmmm.” Lian considered for a moment. “Okay. We’ll wait for them.”

“Good girl,” Tim smiled. “I’m sorry Bruce couldn’t come, Damie.”

“I understand why he couldn’t, Tim,” Damian claimed. “With Mr. Lucius sick, Daddy actually has to do work. Mr. Lucius is why Daddy has the free time to play with me most the time anyway. It’s okay if Daddy takes care of Mr. Lucius’ job while he’s sick.” He couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed though, and hid it by hugging his Timmy.

“Okay.” Tim nodded, returning the hug. He hated that Bruce had to miss it, but at least he had a valid, non-Batman related reason.

“Daddy! Papa! Hurry up!” Lian demanded. “Me an’ Damie want to get to the playground and Uncle Timmy says we have to wait for you!”

“We’re coming,” Roy replied. “Your papa’s a bit slower then usual, honey.” Dick really hated the chair, even though Bruce had made sure to have a path that was smooth and rut-free made up to the playground. He claimed it was for when Babs wanted to come visit. Dick hated the chair with a fiery passion. It kept him from being able to do whatever he wanted.

Finally, everyone was caught up with each other, and they continued to the playground area together. Tim caught a picture of the duo’s eye when they finally got a chance to see their area up close. Their eyes were wide as saucers, and they actually paused a moment before running across the sand and starting to climb up into the equipment.

“This is so cool!” Lian shouted, from inside the fairy castle. “Damie, you be the prince in distress, and I’ll be the good hunter and come rescue you.”

“Why can’t I rescue you?” Damian demanded.

“You can rescue me next time,” Lian replied easily. “I’m the girl so I get to choose first though.”

“Fine.” Damian nodded. “But we have to have a next time.”

“Okay,” Lian agreed. “We will.” Damian climbed up into the top tower and they began playing. Dick set Helena down and gave her a cup and shovel and she passed time digging and muttering happily to herself, unearthing little prizes Bruce had had scattered into the sand. He claimed it was always more fun to have something to dig for.

Jay set up the blanket then lay back and stared up at the sky. He hadn’t really done the whole park thing before. He figured it was fun, though, and the chance for everyone to get together and just laze and play all day was great. He kept a lazy eye on the kids, making sure that nothing could hurt them. He’d run down to the new equipment earlier that morning, making sure there was nothing left that could hurt them seriously.

Kon was having a blast watching all the kids play, Tim cuddled up against his side with the occasional click of the shutters. He liked lazy days like these, and everyone was so happy. It made him feel all warm. He kinda wished he’d been able to play on equipment like that once, but he’d already been a teenager by the time he was ‘born’.

Roy dished out the picnic food after a couple hours of play and made sure the kids had reapplied their sunscreen. He knew within an hour or two they’d be dropping off for a nap, and the adults could relax then, maybe even get a nap themselves.

Dick had come out of his wheelchair the moment they’d picked a spot and was pretending he was merely being idle for the fun of it, rather then because if he didn’t he could rip open his guts, not to mention get pounced on by his brothers, his brother’s lover and his own love. They didn’t let him get away with much. He loved being out here, felt lighter, less need to watch out for everything, so it wouldn’t attack his family.

Damian and Lian finally came off the equipment to ‘listen to stories’ around one. They were back up and playing again until dark after a two hour nap, and helped everyone pack up and were carried back to the manor. Jay carried Lian and Tim carried Damian, everyone happy and tired after a long day’s play.

*comments and criticism are welcome, appreciated and taken into consideration*

jason, dick, lian, tim/kon, tim, helena, rog, damian, kon, dick/roy, roy, fic

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