Fic: Good Idea, Bad Idea

Feb 27, 2007 08:02

Title: Good Idea, Bad Idea
Disclaimer: Don’t own, wish I did
Rating: PG
Characters: Dick/Roy, Lian, Damian, Helena, Sin
Series: Robin’s of Gotham… Other parts here.
Summary: Babysitting all the kids together falls into one of these categories
A/N: A thousand and one thanks to pervyficgirl for beta’ing this for me.

“Ugh,” Dick grunted, collapsing into Roy’s couch ungracefully. What a day. Thank god it was over.

“Uh huh,” Roy agreed, too tired to pull Dick close, just leaving his arm across the back of the couch. He was never doing it again. Never, no matter how much people begged.

Dick eyed the free space between them and debated the gains of moving his exhausted body. He was too tired, but at the same time it would be worth it. He hoped.

Roy sighed contentedly as Dick curled up against him. He clicked on the TV, setting the volume low on some news. He didn’t want anything involving action or comedy after the past twelve hours.

“If I ever think watching all the kids at once would be a good idea again. . .” Dick said, letting the sentence trail off. He laid his head on Roy’s shoulder, too tired to keep it upright.

“Yeah,” Roy agreed. He ran his fingers through Dick’s hair. Dick shifted slightly to a better angle for the petting. Roy rumbled his laughter softly to which Dick shrugged. The petting felt nice, soothing. And after the day they’d had, he needed soothing. Roy kissed Dick’s temple, agreeing whole-heartedly with Dick’s unsaid sentiment.

Individually, the children were sweethearts usually. Put together they had run Dick and Roy ragged, and neither was up for much more than cuddling on the couch for the next century or two.

It had seemed like a good idea at the time. Dinah and Babs had wanted some alone time together, and so Roy had volunteered to watch Sin. Bruce and Selina had a couple business functions they had to appear together at, and Dick had volunteered to watch Helena and Damian. It had sounded like a great idea to band together to watch all the kids. Lian and Damie were great friends, and Sin could handle both of them hanging out with each other. So working together to watch the entire horde had seemed like a brilliant way to spend some peaceful time together.

What a joke. What a horrible joke. It had started off peacefully enough, even though Helena was cutting another tooth, and fussy from it. Lian and Damie and Sin had seemed pretty content to watch cartoons, supposedly, in the living room while Roy showed Dick some tricks he’d picked up from when Lian had teethed, ways to calm the fussy sweetie down a bit. Any time Roy or Dick had checked in on the trio, they’d been watching kids’ cartoons quietly. Lian and Damian had been drawing on a piece of paper, but that seemed to be the maximum amount of trouble they’d found. Dick should have known better.

Someone, and that someone was probably Jason, if Dick had to name names, had left out encoded plans for something. The mini-duo plus Sin had decoded the plans and after they’d eaten lunch, when they were supposed to be asleep, had built the device using the step by step commands. Dick was fairly sure that Jay had left the plans out intentionally. Why else would they be in a code easy enough for little kids to be able to translate, however smart those kids might be. Mind, Lian and Damie were exceptionally smart, but that still wasn’t the point.

The trio of destruction had taken the plans and built some kind of, well, not quite a stink bomb, but definitely a stinky bomb, using chemicals Lian had helped them scrounge together while they supposed to be napping. Sin was supposed to have been reading but she had been their lookout. The adults should have known something was wrong when she suddenly started asking a lot of questions any time either of them had gotten near the bedroom where Lian and Damian were. The trio had set it off, just after Helena woke up, making the house smell like an obsessive compulsive cleaner had gotten into it, covering the entire place with entirely too strong an amount of Febreeze and Pledge. The apartment still smelled a bit too clean, though no where near as bad as it had been.

They’d taken the terrifying trio and Helena out to the park, where the three had done their best to cause a riot at the park, a mass escape of the animals at the zoo, and nearly broke the carousel. Dick still wasn’t sure how they’d figured out how the carousel worked. He’d been able to stop them just in time though. He was betting on Tim for that bit of fun. Tim was very patient in explaining whatever Damie wanted to know about.

Dinner had been down to the usual amount of chaos. They’d taken the group to a pizza place and given them each a roll of quarters to use, hoping they’d blow off some energy before Tim and Kon came to take them for the night. Bruce had insisted the younger brothers take the kids overnight since Dick and Roy were watching them for the day shift. Thank God for Bruce’s obsessive planning ahead.

“Remind me to kill your brothers,” Roy said, mind following similar lines to Dick’s own.

“Okay,” Dick agreed. “If I don’t first.” It was his prerogative as eldest brother to kill his own younger siblings. It was part of the unwritten laws of Siblingdom. Dick had read it somewhere.

“Yeah, sure.” Roy shrugged. He didn’t care who did it, so long as they stopped corrupting his baby girl. He hadn’t had half the problems with her blowing things up before Damian had started to corrupt her.

“Good.” Dick’s head fell from Roy’s shoulder to his lap, and he stretched out on the couch, absently spreading a light blanket over himself. Roy continued running a hand through his hair for a few moments longer. It had been too long a day and he really wanted to sleep. However, his bed was entirely too far away and the couch was comfy. Roy shifted to lie along the back of the couch, Dick held in his arms, blanket covering them both. Sleep was not long in coming.

*comments and criticism are welcome, appreciated and taken into consideration*

dick, lian, sin, helena, rog, damian, dick/roy, roy, fic

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