Holiday Request Fic for greeneyelove

Dec 16, 2006 01:28

Title: How Did That Happen?
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Don’t own, wish I did.
Characters: Hal/Babs, Dinah
Summary: Hal wound up with a date with Oracle.
A/N: Happy Holidays greeneyelove Hope you enjoy.

“Fine, pick me up at eight.” Hal blinked at the order. That wasn’t what he’d intended at the beginning of the conversation. He’d been enjoying these verbal sparring matches with Oracle, but how had he gone from arguing with the woman to asking her out?

“Fine,” Hal agreed. “Dress nicely.” Never let it be said he didn’t rise to the challenge. At least his date didn’t have a chance of being boring. “Where?”

The Oracle chuckled and gave him directions. Now he just had to find somewhere to take her, and what he should bring. Luckily he had an ace in the hole. However, explaining it to her was going to take some guts.

“What’re you doing here?” Dinah asked. She wasn’t expecting Hal to show up at her shop and ask for privacy.

“I need some advice,” Hal admitted.

“What did you do?” Dinah frowned. “How badly did you mess up and do I need to get Ollie to help clean up your mess?”

“I asked your boss out,” Hal admitted. “I was wondering if you had any suggestions.”

“You’re the reason I have the evening off?” Dinah laughed falling over on the couch. Of all the reasons she could have concocted, her on and off again lover’s best friend asking Babs out on a date was nowhere on the list.

“You don’t need to be that amused,” Hal growled. Dinah took a moment to compose herself. Hal shot her a helpless puppy look. She knew he was anything but that, but eh, he really did need some help and was family which entitled him to whatever aide she could give him.

“You’re right,” Dinah said, a giggle still in her voice. “I’ll help you set up everything, but you have to explain how this happened.” Hal sat down and explained how he’d started argue-flirting with Oracle, all the way to asking her out. She let out a few chortles but managed to stay mostly upright through the entire explanation. This could only happen to Hal and Babs; at least neither would be bored.

After the explanation, she called to a restaurant she knew Babs liked, and Hal would enjoy, created an arrangement for him to give Babs, and sent him off to change for the dinner. She then headed upstairs to check on Babs. She hoped their night ended successfully for them both. They both really needed to get laid, Babs especially; for the rest of the Birds’ sake if nothing else.

Hal reached the lobby at the appointed time, dressed in neatly pressed khaki pants and a green silk shirt, wishing he’d gotten a name besides Oracle, or at least asked Dinah what Oracle looked like. All he had to go on was her gorgeous voice.

“Hal Jordan?” The voice that had opposed him so intelligently through their conversations caused him to direct his gaze toward the gorgeous woman coming towards him. Hair fiery red and he already knew she had a temper to match it. He noted the muscles that said she wasn’t just a desk monkey; that she knew how to fight, and fight well.

“You have me at a disadvantage,” Hal drawled out. “You know my name, and I have nothing to call you.” He handed her the flowers. She inhaled their scent and smiled. “Beautiful. Dinah’s work?”

“Of course,” Hal nodded. “Do we need to wait while you put them somewhere?”

“I’ll take them,” Dinah appeared from a hall. “You two go, have fun, and don’t do anything I wouldn’t.”

“Which leaves us just about anything,” Babs laughed. “I’m Barbara.”

“It’s a pleasure,” Hal nodded. “Shall we?” He opened the door, and let her direct him towards the restaurant. This close to the holidays, the entire street was lit with lights and Christmas trees and menorahs shone in all the windows. They wandered towards the restaurant, chatting, casually brushing hands, and generally getting to know each other. The dinner conversations was lively, and the food superb. They enjoyed each other’s company so much that Babs invited him up for coffee afterwards. And after that, Hal demonstrated exactly how inventively a Green Lantern’s ring could be used.

*comments and criticism are welcome, appreciated and taken into consideration.*

hal, request fic, non rog, character: barbara gordon, dinah, fic

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