Lost Batling, Part Two

Nov 07, 2006 08:11

Title: Lost Batling part two
Disclaimer: Don’t own, wish I did
Rating: R
Characters: Bat clan, Dinah, Roy, Selina
Series: Robin’s of Gotham Other parts here.
Summary: Prep and then retrieval. Please read part one
A/N: A thousand and one thanks to pervyficgirl for beta’ing and helping with the research for this. Thanks to jen_in_japan for the title.

“Are you alright?” Roy asked. Dick was holding his old Robin mask. Roy hadn’t seen that in years. The memories it brought back. . .

“No,” Dick answered. Roy sat next to him, pressing his side into Dick.

“Talk to me,” Roy prodded gently.

“Are we doing the right thing Do we have the right to do this?” Dick asked. “Bring another kid into this life. . . Odds are he’ll wind up in a mask and cape, maybe not the next Robin, but eventually he probably will take on the mantle. He’ll be on the streets risking his life, just like us.”
“Do we have the option not to?” Roy countered. “Can we afford a Bruce’s child being raised by the League of Assassins? He’s one of your younger brothers, Dick. Sooner or later, both Lian and I will wind up facing siblings on the wrong end of a weapon. You’ve already done it with Jason. Do you want to take the chance that he’ll hold the killing blow, raised as an assassin?”

“I guess not.” Dick sighed. Facing Jason had been bad enough, and with Jason at least, Dick had been fairly sure Jason wouldn’t kill him.

“That’s not it though,” Roy observed.

“It’s stupid.” Dicks shrugged. It really was.

“But?” Roy laced his fingers through Dick’s free hand.

“Nothing,” Dick evaded.

“It’s bugging you.” Roy shook his head.

“The kid’s Bruce’s son by blood,” Dick almost whispered.

“Ah.” Roy nodded understandingly. “You’re still Bruce’s eldest, his firstborn son.”

“I know that.” Dick leaned into Roy. “I’m just being ridiculous.” Roy wrapped his arm around Dick. It wasn’t like he didn’t understand; he’d already been through something similar.

“Understandably.” Roy smiled.

“What did I do to deserve you?” Dick asked.

“You don’t,” Roy replied. “But you’re mine anyway.” They had a couple hours to kill. Bet he could think of a few ways to take Dick’s mind off of things.


“Got everything?” Kon asked. Tim’s duffle lay open on the dresser almost packed, just waiting as he dumped a few last things in his toiletry bag. Everything else was already packed up.

“Yes.” Tim nodded. “Are you sure you’ll be okay?”

“I’ll be fine. Bruce left a detailed list of contingency plans for everything,” Kon replied. “It’s not like Superman or Hotshot aren’t more than a breath away anyway.”

“True.” Tim frowned. “This is going to be interesting, I don’t think this many of the clan has worked together since, geeze, No Man’s Land.”

“I’ll keep my eyes peeled for fireworks,” Kon laughed.

“’Course, those could just be Blue Jay blowing the complex,” Tim said.

“I can’t believe Bruce is letting him.” Kon grinned.

“Good behavior?” Tim shrugged.

“Jay?” Kon lifted an eyebrow.

“True.” Tim laughed. He pulled Kon down and pressed his lips gently against Kon’s. Kon smiled into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Tim, opening his lips to let Tim’s tongue in to twine with his own. Tim easily took control of the kiss, backing Kon up against the bed. Kon’s knees buckled causing him to fall backwards onto the bed. Tim followed him down, his oh-so talented hands pinching and caressing their way up his chest as he stripped Kon of his shirt. Kon smiled wickedly and waited to see what Tim wanted.
“Do you think you have enough explosives?” Dinah asked, eyeing Jason’s choices.

“You’re absolutely right.” Jason ducked back into the explosives closet and pulled out another box. “Now I have enough.” The cave was mostly empty, everyone else taking care of last minute chores, and packing.

“Well, if you’re sure.” Dinah laughed. Boys and their toys, it never seemed to change.

“Well now, what’s this?” Jason caught her hand where a simple silver ring sparkled. “You haven’t gone back to Green Arrow have you?” She deserved better than that.

“No,” Dinah replied evasively.

“Jay, Bruce said you were in charge of--” Barbara began, as she rolled to a stop next to Dinah. Jason captured her left hand, where an identical claddaugh ring shined.

“You two?” Jason laughed. “Congratulations. Welcome to the family, Lance.”

“No one else knows,” Dinah stated. This wasn’t exactly how the two of them had planned on people finding out.

“I won’t tell,” Jason promised crossing his heart. “But Black Canary, on behalf of the family, you break her heart and you’ll regret it. And that’s before she can take her own revenge. She’s been yanked around enough by Dick.”

“I won’t,” Dinah said sincerely. Jason searched her face for a long moment, finally nodding satisfied with what he saw. “So, can I get a show?”

“Try again, trouble.” Babs whacked him none too gently. “You can load our stuff on the jet though.” Jason wandered off, muttering about the women in his family being unfair slave drivers.

The clan set down near the compound. The boys worked through the night to set up their base of operations. Selina and Dinah worked together to create an accurate map while Babs did the computer hacking to get into the systems. It looked like their initial plan would be a viable one with a couple minor changes on first check.

“Ready, lover?” Selina asked. They were all trying to get a few hours of sleep before the night’s excursion to retrieve Bruce’s child.

“I don’t know,” Bruce admitted honestly.

“Just remember, Talia is not in our agreement,” Selina informed him. “She is not allowed to touch you. You’re mine and his, no one else’s.”

“I know, darling.” Bruce cuddled her against him. He didn’t know what he’d done to deserve her. She didn’t try to control him, his relationships. He never though he’d find anyone like her. He still wasn’t sure he deserved her.

She smiled, and trailed her fingers along his chest. She knew there was no point in trying to cage a cat, and caging a bat worked just as well. Bruce was faithful in his own way and that’s what she wanted. Besides, he definitely had good taste.
“Fuck, you two go on ahead,” Arsenal swore. Black Canary and he turned to face the guards that had them outnumbered.

“Are you sure?” Robin asked tightly.

“Go.” Black Canary nodded. “Ready boyo?” She shot Arsenal a smile full of hellfire.

“Let’s do it.” Arsenal grinned back just as fiercely. “Get out while you can, ‘Wing would kill me if you got hurt.”

“Luck, and plenty of it,” Robin replied, veering down a side corridor. “Oracle, feed me the route from here.”

“Take a left here,” Oracle said.

“Hang on, the doors locked.” Catwoman made quick work of the lock, glaring at it disappointedly. “They can afford better.”

“You can tell them that on our way out,” Robin advised as they worked their way through the maze of hallways.

“I just might.” Catwoman nodded. “Are we almost there?”

“Turn right at the next crossing, and go a hundred feet, then you’ll be there,” Oracle answered. They opened the door to find a five-year-old glaring up at them.

“Who are you?” he asked, frowning.

“We’re from your dad,” Robin replied.

“My dad?” the boy asked. “But, how?”

“We found out about you,” Robin answered. “We’re going to take you to him.”

“Cool!” the kid said. “I’m Damian. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“I’m Robin.” Robin dropped to one knee and smiled reassuringly. “Is there anything you need to take with you?”

“Nope,” Damian responded cheerfully. “Can we go?”

“There’s just one thing,” Robin said. “If you come with us, you probably won’t see your mom again.”

“Don’t see her much anyway,” Damian shrugged. “She promised I’d get to go to my father soon.”

“Oh.” Robin frowned.

“Robin, before the guards wake up?” Catwoman kept an eye on the hall.

“I’m going to wrap you in my spare cape, okay?” Robin’s capes were Kevlar-lined, and he didn’t want the kid getting shot on accident. “And I want you to close you eyes, and not open them again until I tell you.”

“Okay, Robin,” Damian nodded trustingly. “I can do it.”

“Good.” Robin wrapped the kid carefully and picked him up, supporting him gently on a hip.


“Come back to me beloved,” Talia said. “You belong with me, and you know it as well as I do.”

“No I don’t,” Batman replied. “Give it up, Talia. I’m taking my son and we’re leaving.”

“Over my dead body,” Talia growled. “Get them!”

The battle was fierce, and heavy. Any lack of creativity the League had was made up for by numbers. The Batman, Nightwing and Blue Jay were severely outnumbered and it seemed they were going to lose when first Blue Jay, and then Nightwing went down, and didn’t get back up again. This turned out to be a bad move of the Leagues. Batman saw red, and furiously plowed through every last one of the assassins, barely restraining himself from any killing blows. As it was, most of them would be in traction and recovering for months. Many might never fully recover. Talia escaped before things got rough. She’d fight again another day.

“Cra-ud,” Catwoman censored herself.

Psycho Bat screamed from Batman’s posture, down to the very set of his jaw. No one touched his boys. No one.

“Robin.” Arsenal very carefully did not move anything other than his lips. He did not want to draw Protective Bat’s attention.

“Keep your eyes closed Damie,” Robin cautioned softly. He had been spending entirely too much time around Dick and his propensity for nicknames. “Mission Accomplished, Sir. We need to meet Oracle for pick up. Why don’t you have Arsenal carry Nightwing out of here while you get Blue Jay?” Psycho Bat slowly faded back slightly.

“Acknowledged. Do it,” Batman growled, watching Arsenal carefully.

Arsenal kept his posture unthreatening as he moved towards his lover, inspecting him to see if being carried out was a viable option. Finding nothing to keep him from doing so, he carefully hoisted Nightwing into a fireman’s carry and waited. Batman did the same with Blue Jay and they started to move out, Robin between him and Batman with Black Canary taking point, and Catwoman at the tail of their procession.

Quickly explaining to Oracle what was heading her way, Black Canary used her Canary Cry to take the most direct route out. If it was in her way, be it animal mineral or vegetable, it was going down. Not many opposed them after they figured out that between the lady at the front who could shatter bone with her voice alone, and the lady at the rear with the six foot long whip, it was not a good idea to mess with the group. Oracle met them with the jet at their exit, which hadn’t been an exit before Canary had created it.

*comments and criticism are welcome, appreciated and taken into consideration*

jason, dick, tim, rog, damian, kon, team: batclan, character: bruce wayne, roy, selina, character: barbara gordon, dinah, fic

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