Fic: Lost Batling part 1

Oct 31, 2006 08:22

Title: Lost Batling Part 1
Disclaimer: Don’t own, wish I did
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Tim, Jason, Dick, Kon, Bruce, Dinah, Selina, Babs
Series: Robin’s of Gotham. Other parts here.
Summary: Turns out Jason’s nightmares have a basis in fact.
A/N: A thousand and one thanks to pervyficgirl for beta’ing this for me. And for helping me with the research. Title credit goes to jen_in_japan for a comment where she referred to him as the Lost Batling, loved and decided to use it. Happy Halloween everyone and to those who don’t feel good, get well soon.

Cass’s reports were disturbing to say the least. The blue-eyed, black-haired child from Jason’s dreams was Talia Al’Ghul’s son. And if the DNA Cass had brought back was correct, there was a strong possibility of the child either being Bruce’s son, or his clone. Half-clone? Was there a correct term for that occurrence yet? Either way the poor kid’s DNA was more screwed up than Kon’s. At least, if the files Batman had on Superman and Lex Luthor from back in Smallville were correct, Kon’s DNA made sense in a messed up way. The kid’s made none.

Robin could think of possibly two people Batman could sleep with. Neither of which were Talia. One was currently sleeping with Batman, and the other had in the past and possibly would in the future. Maybe the even in the present, but Robin wasn’t going anywhere near there. He really didn’t feel like analyzing his mentor’s sexual activity again. It was far too confusing. He preferred to go the usual route and claim that Batman didn’t have a sex life. Talia though, very much didn’t belong on Batman’s list of sex partners. She didn’t belong within light years of that list. Just, no. Really, no.

On an unrelated note, Robin was pretty sure he could run DNA tests in his sleep. In addition, Cass acting like an assassin scared the bloody shit out of him. She was scary on a magnitude he usually placed Deathstroke, her mother, and possibly Dick when he was PMS-ing He was really glad Cass was a white hat. Otherwise, he had a feeling he’d already be dead. However, if rumors were correct, then Cass having supposedly switched sides might come in handy again. But that would have to be considered on another day.

For now though, he had to figure out how to present the information gathered to the rest of the clan, as well as discover if there was any information in the bat-computer to add to his own, and work out what the ramifications for this operation might turn out to be. He had already decided there was absolutely no question about what they needed to do. There was no way they could let a child with Bruce’s DNA be raised by a bunch of assassins. They’d have to retrieve the kid by any means they could, within the code.


“What’s up?” Blue Jay asked. He was sitting on the table, with Batman in a seat next to him. Nightwing was on the examination table, and Kon was sewing up a minor injury Dick had with Alfred watching intently behind him. Robin had asked them to all gather after patrol.

“I’ve been investigating your recent spat of nightmares,” Robin replied.

“They went away,” Blue Jay frowned. “They were probably nothing. Why bother?”

“I was curious,” Robin replied. He rarely needed a better reason. “I wanted to see if they had a basis in fact.”

“How have you been investigating?” Nightwing inquired. He and Roy were involved in trying to make their relationship work, but he would have noticed if Robin had disappeared to go undercover amongst assassins. It gave him a little thrill of pride to be able to claim that was true again.

“I had Batgirl aid me,” Robin answered patiently.

“What did you find?” Batman frowned.

“Quite a bit actually.” Robin glanced down at his notes. “Six years ago Talia Al’Ghul…” He explained everything Cass had discovered, and a lot he had figured out with the addition of the records on the Bat-computer. He kept purely to the facts of the matter for the beginning bits. Finishing that portion of his exposition, he let everyone digest for a moment. As soon as everyone seemed to have caught up, he carefully laid out the options he had been able to come up with, and what he saw as needing to occur.

Finally, he looked up to observe each of his family’s faces. Batman looked shocked and to be blaming himself, almost ready to sink into a good long brood. Nightwing seemed worried, while Blue Jay was calculating and excited. Kon looked interested.

“I can’t ask you too--” Batman started.

“We should call Arsenal,” Nightwing said.

“Oracle would probably be useful for this.” Blue Jay wandered over to borrow Robin’s binder.

“If I could borrow Batgirl or Huntress, Gotham will probably be fine without you.” Kon grinned. “I’d prefer it to be one of them, since they’re familiar with Gotham.”

“Are you sure you can handle Gotham with just them? If need be, we could probably borrow an Arrow,” Robin suggested.

“Nah, one or both of them would be fine,” Kon said. “An Arrow would be more trouble than they’re worth.

“What about Black Canary?” Nightwing suggested. “She’s used to working as Oracle’s mobile partner.”

“And she’s handy in a fight.” Robin smiled quickly. “Add Catwoman to the list and we should have a viable force.”

“That makes it us, Catwoman, Oracle, Black Canary, and Arsenal, right?” Blue Jay asked. “Dibs on calling the Birds.”

“I’ll call Arsenal,” Nightwing smiled. Like he needed an excuse.

“Tell them to get here by Friday. That’ll give them enough time to get leaves from their various teams,” Robin advised. “And I’ll call the Titans to let them know we’ll be busy for the weekend, possibly two.”

“Guess that means I’m calling Hotshot to see if he’ll lend me Batgirl,” Kon said. “Jay, don’t forget to call Wonder Girl. I don’t want to have to listen to her bitching ‘cause you disappeared without telling her.”

“Who does she think she is, my mother?” Jay sighed.

“No, your girlfriend,” Kon smiled.

“Yeah yeah.” Jay rolled his eyes.

“I can’t ask you guys to do this,” Batman frowned. The boys exchanged a quick four way conversation through looks.

“You never had to ask,” Nightwing finally said.

“I’d like to see your research, Robin,” Batman said after a moment. Blue Jay handed him the binder.


Everyone set up their areas. Unlike the first, more informal briefing, this time everyone sat at seats at the table. Kon and adult Helena, both of whom were going to stay in Gotham were upstairs keeping an eye on baby Helena, Sin, and Lian. Lian wasn’t entirely thrilled at the two other girls but she was willing to put up with them for the afternoon.

No one was in uniform, but everyone was in business mode. Batman sat at the head of the table with Nightwing to his right and Blue Jay to his left. On the other side of Nightwing sat Arsenal and across from Arsenal was Robin. Oracle sat at the foot of the table, with Black Canary at her right and Catwoman to her left. Robin and Oracle both had lap tops powered up and everyone had water bottles. Alfred had provided finger foods and gracefully retired to dust something nearby.

After everyone had settled, Batman turned to Blue Jay.

“The investigation began because of you.”

“About two months ago, I had a recurring nightmare.” Jay explained his dream, and then Tim picked up the explanation. For the most part it was a slightly more in depth description than the informal briefing he’d given to the inner family earlier in the week.

“This is entirely volun--” Batman started.

“Did Batgirl bring back maps?” Black Canary asked. Robin reached for the tube next to him and handed it over. She quickly spread them out over the table.

“Doesn’t look too bad, couple good places to get in,” Arsenal frowned thoughtfully and then smirked. “Be like old times, yeah?”

“This sounds fun. I’m in.” Catwoman purred.

“Looks difficult,” Black Canary studied the maps carefully. “Not impossible though.”

“We’ll have to split into three teams.” Batman gave up on trying to stress the fact that he wasn’t going to ask it of them. They were all insane. Quickly but surely, they come to a workable plan, with Black Canary and Batman doing most of the actual planning with interjections from Oracle and Robin. Once they had a workable plan, the rest of the team tried to knock holes in it. After several hours, they had a plan that actually looked likely not to get them killed instantaneously.

*Comments and criticism are welcome, appreciated, and taken into consideration.*
Further A/N: Unfortunately, unlike this summer where I'd post part 1 of a multi-parter on Tuesday, and the next part on Thursday, I'm only doing it once a week, as I have school, work, and if I'm lucky a life. Sorry for the wait :(

jason, dick, tim, helena, rog, kon, character: bruce wayne, roy, selina, dinah, fic

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