Title: Curiosity killed the Blue Jay
Disclaimer: Don’t Own, wish I did
Rating: PG
Characters: Lian, Roy
Series: Robin’s of Gotham sidestory. Other parts
here.Robins of Gotham now has a series introduction
here.Summary: Jason really ought to watch what he says
“Daddy, how did Uncle Dick get a stick up his butt?” Lian frowned thoughtfully.
“What? Who? Huh?” Roy spluttered. “Who told you that?” He had a guess and when he got his hands on the little shit…
“Uncle Jason said Uncle Dick has a stick up his butt that he stole from Batman. It sounds painful,” Lian explained. “And why did he steal it from Batman? Stealing’s wrong.” Or at least that’s what all of her relatives told her.
“It’s a phrase we grown-ups use, that little girls shouldn’t repeat,” Roy sighed. He was going to have to kill Jason.
*comments and criticism welcome appreciated and taken into consideration. Needed cheering up after two tests in as many hours. Thus extra drabble this week*