Hiya! Thanks for whatever you choose to write me. I'm generally not picky, just a few general guidelines
Kinks: I like piercing, spanking, bondage, really, almost anything. I don't enjoy watersports, ageplay, scat, animal/furry play. But other than that...
Three Ships: I am so sorry sailor, I don't have my requests, beyond remembering which fandoms I requested so...Once UPon A time, almost anything goes. I love it it's so much fun.
Avengers: No Steve/Tony. I don't like it, don't want it anywhere in the story. It quite literally is possibly the only thing that would wreck my story. Even if it's in the past. I quite literally will hate it.
Yuletide Author: *G* I can get at my requests so this is easy
Oklahoma: I know my prompt is plenty of crazy, but it just seems like such an interesting idea! Aunt Eller as the Madam. I've got a kink for hooker fic but this is the only one on this list that I want it in this year.
Seven Brides for Seven BRothers: I'm serious about the no Stockholm fic. I seriously don't like it, don't want it. Don't agree with it either. Anything else would be awesome.
Singin' in the Rain: I just want happy fic here. Baby fic would be awesome and how they sort that out.
Wraith Squadron: Really any Wraith fic would make me happy. I'd love for it to be set with the new Mercy kill book. Seriously it's that awesome. The second generation is written the way second generation should be. And if you're afraid 'cause it's in the newer era it's safe to come home for that book.
So now that I've rambled and probably told you very little, if you want more information, contact
zarabithia and she'll know the answer.