Mar 03, 2011 15:56
Day Three: A female character you hated but grew to love.
*hangs head* I hate to say it but I'm cheating on this one. It's a character I grew to not-hate, rather than love. I don't often hate fictional character but just like in real life, when I do hate them it's hard for me to grow to like them at all, let alone love them, and I REALLY cannot think of a character in either/any sex I hated but grew to think was the best thing since sliced bread.
The character is Diana of Themiscyra. She was so BORING. She didn't have a dayjob that I could see, she wasn't relatable at all, anything she did Superman (another character I hated but grew to tolerate) could do just as well, if not better, the lasso of truth was stupid as hell, she was running around chasing some GUY I had no clue why she even liked, since he mostly just seemed like an asshole and we already had Dinah doing that with Ollie who occasionally had redeeming traits. Themiscyra seemed like an island populated by man-hating women who wanted to be baby-machines who didn't even appreciate it when the man didn't mean to come to their island or came to save their freaking butts as a favor to Diana. She follows the Goddess Artemis and is a vegetarian, which means she hunts without eating which sucks.
But I had a couple friends who were in love with Diana. And they taught me that Diana didn't always suck so bad. That sometimes she was awesome, and she had girlfriends. That she was supposed to be the mentor to Donna and Cassie and Vanessa even if she failed like a failing thing that fails. That she did what the other heroes, even Superman couldn't do. That the vegetarian thing changed from author to author. Occasionally Themiscyra was populated by wise women, who'd drawn away from the world of man because of soul wounds and weren't baby-obsessed.
I never grew to love her, but I did grow to have a wait and see attitude and understand in the right hands, she shined.