(no subject)

Jan 16, 2009 02:02

Title: Night time kisses
Author: cero_ateCharacters/Pairing: Jason Todd/ Tim Drake
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 400
Prompt: Secret Encounters
Summary: Jason is a mystery to Tim. Tim likes that
Disclaimer: Not mine, never was.
Author's Notes/Warnings: My prompts are going to hopefully be a series. A dark one. You will be warned. This is the start of it.

Something smoldered in his eyes when he looked at Tim. Tim’s not sure what it was. It wasn’t hatred…not after the first few times they ran into each other. It wasn’t fear, because Tim wasn’t even sure Jason could feel fear anymore. It was almost like what Bruce looked at Tim with…with some of Dick’s look too. More Bruce than Dick though. Tim was still trying to distill it, after six encounters. Jason hadn’t hurt him after the third, but the look had changed then too. Before that, there had been anger and the resentment had been a lot stronger in Jason’s looks. But the resentment was still in the look Jason gave him, which made the other parts harder to figure out, and made Tim more eager to meet Jason so that he could figure out what Jason was thinking.

Nine encounters later, and Tim still hadn’t figured it out. They didn’t talk during the meetings…not after the violence ended. Jason would just show up some times and stand too close to Tim. Tim could feel him right next to Tim even when he wasn’t making a sound. Sometimes Jason would stick around, more often when Tim was on a stakeout, but sometimes when he was just taking a break before getting back to patrol. He didn’t always, and Tim hadn’t been able to distill a pattern yet. Tim kept these a secret, for him alone. It felt nice to have secrets again. He didn’t trust Jason of course. Jason was still a murderer, and occasionally corpses would still show up, obviously killed by the Red Hood. Scum, always. Serial killers, drug dealers who focused on kids, and rapists were Jason’s prey.

It was at the fifteenth that Jason did something Tim hadn’t expected at all. He’d kissed Tim. Angrily, violently, like it was Tim’s fault that Jason was kissing him and Jason was punishing Tim for it. He’d had to lie to Bruce, that he’d gotten his lip split during a fight, when really Jason had done it, and backed off once he realized what he’d done. Tim almost had been disappointed that that ended the kiss. He’d never been kissed that way before and he kind of liked it. He hoped Jason didn’t stop doing that. Maybe minus the bloody lip…but that kind of kissing would be okay with Tim. He felt kind of weird admitting that.

jason, dcufreeforall jason/tim, jason/tim, non rog, tim, fic

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