All Terrorists Are Muslim, cites ABC news

Dec 30, 2009 19:28

“While it is politically incorrect to say that all Muslims are terrorists, unfortunately, it’s true that all terrorists are Muslim,” ABC news reported Monday night, quoting Israeli ambassador to the UN, Daniel Gillerman.  They reiterated this statement in the aftermath of the attempt of the "underwear bomber" in Detroit, in the defense of racial profiling on airplanes, pointing out that Israel's El Al airlines has never had one terrorist bombing because Muslims are not allowed on their planes.

However, its not true that all terrorists today are Muslim.  The ETA in Spain are not Muslim, and an alert was given regarding their activity in Spain this week. In Sri Lanka the Tamil Tigers are not Muslim. And here in America, Timothy McVey was not Muslim-- nor are members of the Ku Klux Klan who also promote terror via violence. And the man who walked into church to kill Dr. Tiller was not a Muslim, either, but a self-professed Christian, who had previously been arrested with bomb making materials in his car.

Violence knows of no exclusive claims by any faith tradition. History reminds us how Europe was torn apart by religious violence between Protestants and Catholics Christians.

Its ironic that an Israeli diplomat would say such nonsense, as Israel's fairly recent bombing of Lebanon and the West Bank was judged by all other nations to be a violent over-reaction and a humanitarian disaster.

But what is just as offensive is a national network citing this quote without qualification or a challenge to its false content.

And why has no one has pointed out that the Detroit incident is a clear example of the *failure* of racial profiling?  Airport authorities were looking for Arabs, not black Africans. If they were not so racially oriented, is it possible that they might have realized that not all Muslims are Arab?



faith, religion, terrorism, politics

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