
Mar 18, 2005 22:35

i have work early tomorrow, this should be short.
i gave blood today for the first time ever. it wasnt so bad and i think i will make it a fairly regular thing. i was lightheaded a little for most of the day, and really tired. its just so wierd seeing the full bag and knowing that that was and should be inside your body. when i think about it it maked me lightheaded because i think of all this empty space inside of me where the blood used to be. i think i miss it a little. dave told me it takes a week to remake all that blood. it was really alot of blood. i wonder how much you have to lose before you die.
not having enough blood made some things hard today. especially work and playing the clarinet. i felt like a fat out of shape person because even walking up the stairs made me dizzy. i almost fainted like at least 6 times in mr morgans office today because we were playing pirates and i didnt want to miss any of the fun but i think it was a really bad idea. emily saw me playing and yelled at me. it was nice to miss chem, since i got killed by that killer stupid quiz.
the talent show was AMAZING!! i never knew how awesome adam and karl were and everyone else. i wish i had a cool talent and not a dorky one like playing the clarinet. declan and marquia made me pee my pants. i didnt get to tape it for people because my sisters camera wasnt charges. sorry lindsay. other people were taping it tho, check with them.
jon was really sick. apparently like throwing up alot. gew. everytime he sat next to me i felt a little nauseous. that is a hard word to spell. it was like he was exuding nauseousness. hope he feels better, now im not mad at hom for not comming to the opening.
so lindsay made me a little annoyed tonight. i dont know what was up with her. ever since she made her cruise plans she has been a little distant. and hilary wants to watch the o.c. as much as ever. its not hilary i have a problem with its the o.c. it just seems really....fake? i dont know. maybe if there are some good snacks i can deal with it.
i have a lot of art to do this weekend. numero 7. woot. i am TIRED OF BLACK AND WHITE PICTURES! i want to do something else! i have art add!!
my mother is not against letting me take a small road trip this april. she doesnt want me to go with jon and ally tho because she thinks ally is wierd and she thinks i will be a third wheel. i didnt tell her about the australian. we could be third wheels together. which really creeps me out because apparently he is 22. why would ally invite a 22 year old australian on a road trip. maybe she is wierder than i thought...
so she wants me to talk to emily about taking a train into the city for 2 nights. she will let me stay in the city alone for two nights. she will let me stay in the city alone for 2 nights. i had to repeat myself to make sure i am not crazy. ill talk to emily tomorrow.
wow i wrote a poopload.
yutoro is gone. i think he hates me. i kindof abandoned him today while i was giving blood. sorry. but i dont really like him either. he sleeps too much.

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