Title: Branch Prompt: Generations Author: CeriseReve Character: Don Spoilers: None Rating: G Summary: Don imagines his family tree. Disclaimer: I do not own anything in the Numb3rs universe. Word Count: 100
The more I read from you, the more impressed I am...
You have such a way with words and imagery...the way you string together the metaphor through the drabble...it's poetic and just lovely. Simply lovely. Plus - it's highly impressive that you can say all that in 100 words. I love to write. And I think I write rather well...but I have yet to restrict myself to a word limit. That's my next challenge. :)
Poor Donnie. I know at least one person (aka my BFF julietm) who would be MORE than happy to give him babies...LOTS of babies so his tree would branch. ;p
It’s interesting you mention the word restriction. These drabbles are as much of a learning tool as they are a stalling technique from my large, unfinished fic. I’m working very hard to contain myself to 100 words. It means going over each drabble about twelve times to get it to say what want it to say, but it is a wonderful lesson. I highly recommend it. And if you need the kick, I’ll challenge you to do it. =)
LOL! Somehow I doubt there would be a lack of willing ladies. Don’s branch won’t wither away and die. He just needs the proper woman.
I've been getting back on a writing kick...and trying to give myself a 100-300 word limit is on my list of things to do. I'll keep you posted. ;p I may just need the kick.
I am looking at the prompt list here actually and considering a couple that I might try and write. It will definitely be a challenge, but one I accept! MWAHAHAHA! You shall not defeat me devious little word count!
Hiya ely! I’m guessing you’re staking your claim on Don once again. Thanks for reading. Yep, Don could have either. He just hasn’t met the right woman yet.
Yes Don is mine! Candi knows better... and uh #6 is candi's designation.... I am her Evil Overlord for whom she has sworn allegiance to futher my cause to take over of the world.
Oh I can't tell you that cause it is need to know only. ; )
But I will tell you this, Numb3rs will have a h0t spot on Evil Overlord TV and those that submit to my will, will be rewarded exponentially! (Ask Charlie)
Damn...I was hoping you wouldn't see this comment when I posted it! ;p And to be fair, I said I know at LEAST one person who'd want to give Don babies...I wasn't excluding you. hehe. *tries to slip one past the Evil Overlord even if she knows it's useless*
You're...you're gonna revoke my Colby clone aren't you? *lip quivers*
I wouldn't mind hanging out with Cookie and Munch in the dungeon (hmmm...Cookie and Munch and Candi...tell me that doesn't sound like an exotic dance trio if you've ever heard one...ROFL) but deactivate my clone??? *casts a glance over at him sleeping so peacefully on the bed next to her PA Agent Sinclair* Oh...that will never do.
*sits up straight and puts on halo* I'll be good. I promise...
You have such a way with words and imagery...the way you string together the metaphor through the drabble...it's poetic and just lovely. Simply lovely. Plus - it's highly impressive that you can say all that in 100 words. I love to write. And I think I write rather well...but I have yet to restrict myself to a word limit. That's my next challenge. :)
Poor Donnie. I know at least one person (aka my BFF julietm) who would be MORE than happy to give him babies...LOTS of babies so his tree would branch. ;p
It’s interesting you mention the word restriction. These drabbles are as much of a learning tool as they are a stalling technique from my large, unfinished fic. I’m working very hard to contain myself to 100 words. It means going over each drabble about twelve times to get it to say what want it to say, but it is a wonderful lesson. I highly recommend it. And if you need the kick, I’ll challenge you to do it. =)
LOL! Somehow I doubt there would be a lack of willing ladies. Don’s branch won’t wither away and die. He just needs the proper woman.
I am looking at the prompt list here actually and considering a couple that I might try and write. It will definitely be a challenge, but one I accept! MWAHAHAHA! You shall not defeat me devious little word count!
Do you understand #6?
BTW Hi Ceri!! Love this little drabble and you are right, depending on how Don grows he could have either,
*scratches head* What’s number six?
uh #6 is candi's designation.... I am her Evil Overlord for whom she has sworn allegiance to futher my cause to take over of the world.
Are you sorry you ask? : )
But I will tell you this, Numb3rs will have a h0t spot on Evil Overlord TV and those that submit to my will, will be rewarded exponentially! (Ask Charlie)
You're...you're gonna revoke my Colby clone aren't you? *lip quivers*
And to be fair, I said I know at LEAST one person who'd want to give Don babies...I wasn't excluding you. hehe
Yeah uhhhh not buying. I wasn't born yesterday Missie!!!
Revoke your clone? Never, just deactivate him and put you in the dungeon with Cookie and Munch.....
*sits up straight and puts on halo* I'll be good. I promise...
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