(no subject)

Sep 26, 2005 19:22

Ugh. I have sooooo hurt my neck! Muscle strain I think from carrying around a heavy bag on my shoulder all day yesterday. It wasn't too bad until lunchtime today, when suddenly it just seemed to spasm and freeze in place. I couldn't move my neck properly and it was very painful. Is that a judgement, do you think, on eating McDonald's for lunch when I supposedly am not meant to be eating rubbish anymore?! That resolution didn't last long.

I went through this afternoon's introductory lecture looking very much like someone at finishing school, all upright and very deliberate in how I turned. I bet the students thought I was a right tight arse and maybe a bit strict. Which perhaps I am, but that's not the point! Anyway, I am now dosed up on ibuprofen and smelling very very sexy after applying Deep Heat cream.

Am currently watching the second season of Sex and the City (always a comfort in times of need) and I'm going to go to bed early and snuggle up with The Story of O and Scarlet magazine (I'm teaching Writing and Sexuality this semester - that's my excuse).
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