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Nov 07, 2004 17:53

Arroooo! Went to Woburn safari park this afternoon to a craft fair, and we got to see all the animals. There were lots of lovely Lupin-wolfies. I think wolves are my favourite animals, apart from kitty kats, and it was a real thrill to see them loping about. A couple were even chasing each other. I wish I could've heard them sing; it must be magical to be able to hear wolf-song. To paraphrase Dracula , who quite rightly said, (to be read in Transylvanian accent) "Ah, the children of the night. What sweet music they make." Whenever I imagine Lupin-wolf, it's always a real wolf, as opposed to the crappy one they had in the film.

Also saw tigers, which were beautiful too, and rather frisky, and the lions, which were all clustered together by the exit, where their shelter was. one of the lionesses was rolling on her back just like a real kitty. But I wouldn't have fancied rubbing her tummy. I like my arms where they are!

The craft fair itself was a ltitle disappointing, but I managed to get my favourite Sicilian olive oil, and my absolute favourite soap (patchouli and rose-scented and totally luxurious). So it was worth going.

Off to have some food, as the Food Tent didn't live up to expectations!
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