
Oct 23, 2004 17:02

I am loving my work. This is a weird thing for me to feel, really, because I never imagined that I could do a job that would be so stimulating and interesting. It's hard work, prepping for lectures, but I like researching, and I'm learning loads - almost more than I did when I was still a student! I've been given four more hours per week too, which will up my money considerably. Which, of course, is great! I got my first pay cheque yesterday - the first official pay I've had in twenty years. It was a fantastic feeling, earning my own money. I feel that I'm on my way to being a properly independent person at last.

Today was fun, though I didn't think it would be. We had a 'Family Day' at uni, whereby the Media Arts dept (of which Creative Writing is a part) opened up to family members and other staff so they could see what we do. We were in the television studio - yes, a real television studio! - recording readings of our work for a promotional video which we will use to advertise the course. Everyone read a piece, including me, to the camera. I was naturally quite nervous, never having been in front of a tv camera before (I don't even like having my photo taken usually) but it was great. A real rush, and I wanna do it again! I didn't fluff my words at all, which was a relief.

In other news, I was supposed to be giving a presentation of my work for my Masters' degree next Wednesday, followed by my viva (oral exam). However, the Research Office cocked it up and forgot to book it, so I will now have to wait until January. Which actually suits me fine, because next week was waaaaay too soon for my liking.

Haven't been writing any fanfic - don't have time, really - although I have been writing original stuff that I'm very pleased with. Currently I'm writing a sequence involving four characters and it's kind of erotic horror/dark fantasy kind of thing.

All in all, life is good :-)
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