Feb 06, 2006 17:45
Just to inform the few who read this, I've canceled my trip to Greece. I've decided for my own reasons not to. It took a lot of thought. And, I'm pretty upset about not going, but it's the best decision. Enough about that.
I've just read through my last twenty journal entries. I think one out of every five had something profound to say. I truly need to think about what I'm typing and sending out into webspace. I sound like a dork, which I am, but I also sound like I'm not very intelligent half the time.
I've got school tonight til nine. Then I'm gonna go home and watch a movie I rented with Sara. I have tomorrow off, I've got a math test to study for.
I really need to pray about where and what I should be doing. I need a better job. One that's rewarding, and not so... well awful. anyways, I'm off to class. I'll update eventually. Later people