i have no idea the last time i updated this thing

Jun 13, 2005 01:20

okie doke...where do i start? i wonder if anyone bothers to come read this anymore? oh well. friday night i went to Kari's graduation along with both the sara's. then went out to dinner afterwards with the sara's, kari, and billy. it was fun. next weekend i have a wedding shower to go to for Falon's wedding. don't know how many people will be there but we'll see and i'll update. the weekend after is her wedding and i'm responsible for the taking of pictures. it'll be fun and the third wedding i've taken pictures for this year. works been a bit nuts lately but isn't it always.

my brother, the metally ill one, switched adult homes. from one in mckenny (aka the middle of nowhere) to one in the city (aka crack country). i guess he thought that he would be closer to things to do. he keeps getting sicker and sicker. i just pray he gets out of this home quickly.

my dad is in Hatteras this week...for some big fishing tournament. he'll be gone for a good week or so.

well i'm off, need to get to bed it's like 1:30 in the morning...good night or good morning where ever you are...Hey Langer if you still read this? lizzy poo in the land of OZ with her austrailian hottie boyfriend...:0P
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