Dec 28, 2004 11:35
u know whats really fuckin sweet???? whenur best friend and her RETARDED boyfriend dont fuckin apologize for something they did. um yeah my best friend's boyfriend decided to be a complete retard and leave his car window down in the middle of the flats last night.... first off why would the window be down?? second why would the window be down in the middle of winter?? and lastly why the fuck would the window be down int he middle of winter in downtown cleveland? seriously... what a fuckin retard!!! and the thing that pisses me off even more is that neither one said they were sorry!!!!!!! nobody elses shit was stolen just mine... so bye bye bank cark(which was used several times already), bye bye social security card, bye bye xmas money, bye bye gas cards, bye bye everything. oh yeah the best part. on my purse was the last set of jeep keys. so yeah how the jeep is goin to be use idunno.... HOW FUCKIN SWEET!!!!!!!