With work I generally have every second weekend off. This past weekend was actually a long weekend for me because one of my colleagues had asked me to switch shifts (I'm working her Friday night shift this weekend and she worked my Monday night - unfortunately that means I'm now working seven night shifts in a row, but it's not a regular thing, and I can do night shifts well - and I sleep well during the days.
Anyway, our Otalia Virtual Season Team put out another episode this weekend, and as I do the website maintenance, I was responsible for doing the html coding. With a bit of extra work, I was able to do it, though it meant the ep didn't go up til later on Sunday instead of Sunday morning. So, we now have seven episodes up and three remaining for
Season 3.
I also had a couple short (1000-2000 words) fanfic stories to write this weekend for the
2012 Femslash Advent Calendar. That I could have written way before the Monday (June 11) night deadline but I procrastinated, leaving it to near the last couple days, partially because I had a hard time deciding on time period for the stories in the course of the Maca/Esther relationship. (see
previous post. Finished writing both stories by Saturday afternoon then sent them to my beta and got them back with minimal changes needed, which were fixed and sent in before the deadline.
In the midst of all this I got some social time in with friends. Saturday morning,
sealily and
techservlib and I went out for breakfast at Cora's, then we meandered around downtown for a bit, then uptown to run a few errands. On Sunday we went to see Snow White & The Huntsman, which I enjoyed, save some of the repetitive OTT dialogue for Rivena, the evil stepmother/queen. Another thing that impressed me was the trailer for Les Miserables. Looks awesome.
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Whilst I had come home to show Dad the trailer (on iPad hooked to his tv), I also found one that I hadn't heard of -
Farewell, My Queen, based on the book of the same name by Chantal Thomas. It tells the story of Agathe-Sidonie Laborde, who was reader to Queen Marie-Antoinette, especially leading up to the final days at Versailles and the fall of the monarchy. The film is due out next month, and I might see if I can catch it while I'm in NYC next month because I doubt that it will show up here in Fredericton, because a) it's an independent film and they don't often come here and 2) French with subtitles. Now, one might think that because New Brunswick is bilingual English/French province that it stands a better chance, but frankly, I'm doubtful. The French here is more Quebecois French than France French. I borrowed the book from the library on Monday afternoon, and I finished it on Tuesday afternoon. Oh, and I got sunburned while I was reading.
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Then on Monday evening, I went out with a group of six women - of which I only knew one of them. We went down to Isaac's Way restaurant, and with a couple drinks we laughed ourselves silly and we all had a fabulous time. Plans to do it again next month.
Oh, and I got laundry done, and out on the line.