I'm a several days behind because of writing on other projects like the OVS.
Day 21 - Favorite ship - That should be pretty obvious over the past year and a half - Otalia: Olivia Spencer & Natalia Rivera.
Day 20 - Favorite kiss - It might not be the best kiss out there, but given that it was their ONLY kiss (and it was done to prove a point), when Olivia kissed Natalia to demonstrate exactly how other parents saw them after Emma's 'My Two Mommies' class presentation.
Part I &
Part II. What struck me about it was the look on Olivia's face after she kissed her; it was like 'I enjoyed that way more that I think I should'. They were both getting close, closer than either suspected.
Day 19 - Best TV show cast - Guiding Light. I only started watching the show in December of 2008, initially because of the building relationship between Olivia (Crystal Chappell) and Natalia (Jessica Leccia), but with the writing, I quickly got lured into Springfield's universe. The characters jelled well together, despite the sometimes varied relationships, and they made the audience feel the emotions. Perhaps it was the change in film format that GL took on in the last two years of the show, which a lot of the audience didn't like because the production looked different from the standard daytime format. GL employed more close up scenes and outdoor shots that brought a reality to the show, that the others lacked. There was more intimacy, not in the sexual physical sense, but in the sense that one got to know the characters and their motivations, understand why they did things the way they did - moreseo, when the writing is consistent. The off-screen camaraderie and chemistry between the cast translated on screen, especially in group scenes. This was especially evident in the last nine months of the show. When the final episode aired, I cried, because I could feel the loss of a family. BTW, I have the finale ep on my iPod Touch.
Day 18 - Favorite title sequence - The one that still sticks with me after all these years still is a tie:
Beauty and the Beast - part of that is entirely Ron Perlman's voice-over. Really I could easily sit down/lie down and listen to his voice (and have, thanks to the Beauty and the Beast soundtrack, "
Of Love and Hope". The other part of it is the romance and the fantasy of it all.
Babylon 5 - Probably fourth season intro was favourite. There was so many interesting things happening in season four.
Day 17 - Favorite mini series - 'V' - So cheesy, such fun.