Here's How It Works:
1. Post a list of your five favorite acts/kinks/themes/tropes to read about. Check out
this list if you need some inspiration. At the bottom, add what fandoms/pairings you're interested in.
3. Go
HERE and post a link to your list. Read other people's lists at the
master list.
4. Write comment-fic (or longer pieces) based off of other people's lists. Post either the fics or a link to the fic in the person's post.
Five Acts
1. Getting lost together. Whether it's stranded in a hotel somewhere while it rains, or holding the map upside down and wandering off.
2. Confessions. Of a secret, of true emotions, of anything.
3. Cooking. Cooking together, for someone as a surprise/present, or as a sneak attack. (Sneak attack cookies!)
4. Facial hair and glasses. Stubble is attractive. I appreciate the combination.
5. Hugging. Really good hugs, whether for comfort or closeness or to stave off loneliness.
Fandoms & Pairings
Community: Jeff/Britta, Abed/Annie, Abed/Annie/Troy, Annie/Duncan
Doctor Who: Rose/Nine, Rose/Ten
Firefly: Mal/Saffron, Mal/Inara, River/Jayne, Zoe/Wash, Saffron/Kaylee
Glee: Rachel/Puck, Mike/Tina, Finn/Santana
Harry Potter: Ron/Hermione, Harry/Ginny, Oliver/Katie, Remus/Tonks, George/Angelina
HIMYM: Robin/Barney, Ted/Victoria
Juno: Juno/Mark
Parks & Rec: Leslie/Ben, Ann/Chris, April/Andy, Ann/Ron, Ron/April, Tom/Ann
Sherlock: Sherlock/Sally