Dear Yuletide Author!

Nov 21, 2011 23:50

Dearest Yuletide Author!

So.  First things first:  I am ridiculously easy to please.  Like, the mere fact that fic is being written for me fills me with glee.

Overall likes/dislikes:

-men with stubble
-UST that magically becomes acted upon
-witty banter
-dry humor

-character bashing

My requests:

The Spellman Files :
Isabel/Henry fluffy domesticity fic (with a side of Spellman shenanigans) is awesome. But really just Isabel/Henry, period.

Okay, so you know how there is absolutely no fic of this?  (I'm lying.  There's one.  It's good.  But I want more).  Basically, if this gets written, I will jump around and flail with glee and leave exclamation marks all over the comment box.  I really like Isabel/Henry-- I like how matched they are, how he helped her grow up and how she gets him to stop being so stiff.  I also like Isabel and David's sibling relationship (it reminds me of me and my brother, except I am David) and Rae and Isabel and Henry's dynamic.  I would love fluffy domesticity fic that's in character.  (I am also not adverse to family fic here, or babyfic, or elopement fic where they escape from the family).  Also, if you mention Doctor Who, I will leave more exclamation points that anyone should ever have to deal with.

New Girl:
I really like Nick/Jess. And Nick's face.

This pretty much sums it up.  Except also, tropes I like here: fake dating!  Fake dating that becomes real!  And don't feel beholden to Nick/Jess.  Jess/Schmidt is awesome too.  Day in the life fic here would be cool too.  Also, pratfalls.  And like, I don't know.  Oh!  I'd like fic where Jess isn't a walking Manic Pixie Dream Girl. Not that I'm saying she is, but like, I like how she's becoming more of a real person, you know.

Jeff/Britta - I like them and their weird hilarious dynamic and when they make out.

This is where I am like, tropefic ALL THE WAY.  Alternate timeline fic!  Domesticity gone wrong!  Actually, I would really love domesticity gone wrong.  And futurefic.  And basically anything, period.,  There is a WOEFUL LACK of J/B fic.  And if you went to TV Tropes and clicked random and picked a trope, I would probably love you forever.

And making out.

True Grit:
Mattie/LaBoeuf futurefic is definitely appreciated.

My only thing here is basically, they deserve their happy ending.  However it happens, that's all I want.  :D

Once again, thank you thank you thank you!  I am SO EXCITED! <333

(I just noticed my descriptions got smaller.  I had an essay to write, sorry.  Anyways.  You're awesome, dear author).

yuletide, fic

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