Graduation is a strange and pompous affair, but if you add to the mix a venue like Canterbury Cathedral, well... you have a lot of graduands feeling like they're in Hogwarts. Especially as in an early ceremony (mine took place at 7.15pm) Michael Gambon aka Dumbledore received an honorary degree! The honorary graduate at my ceremony was Professor Lord Colin Renfrew who is a BIG archaeology dude, so that was cool for us archaeology students. Unfortunately, where we were sitting in the Cathedral we couldn't see him!
It was a great day though. Very scary, walking down the central aisle after receiving the degree. And I didn't realise, but if you got a first, they announce it and you have to have a longish conversation with the Chancellor and just generally hold up proceedings. Don't get me wrong, I am bloody proud of myself for getting a first and all, but... It's a long ceremony. ;)
My school had a garden party before the ceremony, which gave me a chance to see some friends and lecturers, one of whom told me that if I want to do Museum Studies (I do) I should go to Manchester because the head honcho of Museum Studies is now there. I'm very grateful for his advice - Evangelos has been a fantastic and very entertaining lecturer - but dammit, I was just formulating my plan! Now I have to make a new one.
Not that that's a bad thing. I hear lots of good things about Manchester and I know at least one person in that neck of the woods... *nudges Laura* ;)
Today I had my interview with
ESAMP today to get some volunteer work experience at local museums... It all sounded very positive. The manager of ESAMP said he'd try to get me some work with Brighton museum in an outreach program, taking Anglo-Saxon objects to other schools and museums and explaining/handling them to pupils and so on, as well as some data entry stuff in Lewes.
It all sounds absolutely brilliant but I have two wibbles with it. Firstly, I know very litte about the Anglo-Saxons, but I was reassured that that wouldn't be a problem and that I'd recieve training. Be that as it may, I may do some reading up on the Saxons.. The other problem is that it sounds very full on - I think I'll be working with ESAMP at least three days a week, if not five. Fantastic experience, but I might not be able to work, so... how will I make money? I really, really do not want to sign on as unemployed... but if I have to, I have to. This work experience is the start of my career and that's all that matters. I'll just have to cross that bridge when I come to it...
Seriously, if anyone knows of any kind of herbal remedies to ease PMS, please please tell me. I usually have somewhat ridiculous mood swings but this month I've had a dodgy tum and really really horrid dreams. I woke up on Tuesday with tears running down my face and had to bury my face in the pillow so I didn't wake anyone up as I sobbed - and I don't even remember what I was dreaming! I hate waking up crying, it just puts me in a... delicate mood all day. And this morning I had a bad dream about work which has made me grumpy about working tomorrow.
My mum's always said getting her hysterectomy was the best thing she's ever done and right now I'm inclined to agree.