(because I haven't posted in ages)
...because it looks fun and I could use the entertainment! Come on, humor me and play along. Multiple questions are totally fine. :)
1) Make a list of fifteen characters first, and keep it to yourself for the moment
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McCoy, Ronon or McGee [NCIS]
Well, all three are straight in canon but Ronon has too many issues. McCoy is in space for most of his life following Jim so I think McGee. He has a busy life as a special agent and a writer and will always be closer to his team than a spouse, but he's a good guy who goes out of his way for others.
For original fic you picked Kade, Kellon or Mirra. All three are straight but Kade will always be tied to his king and end up as one of his personal bodyguard later in life. Mirra will finally marry the father of her child [her second marriage] in a few years and they'll remain together, probably till death. I'm not sure about Kellon. He was married until he got caught up in that canvas and as of right now he's single but flirting with two different women. If he picks Dalia that will go bad, if he picks Rhea they'll likely stay together.
if 3 and 9 were to have an affair, which of the other numbers would be most upset about it, and why?
*dies laughing*
If Gideon and McCoy have an affair? Who on the list would be the most upset? JAMES T. KIRK would take some personal offense to that. I had to double check, I didn't even remember he was on the list. Kingsley obviously as well though I can see him finding an excuse to Obliviate McCoy. Wizarding security and all.
Would 2 or 7 be the most likely to win a beauty contest? What about an athletic competition?
I love you, you know.
Riddick would win the athletic competition over DiNozzo [NCIS] without any doubt - even if he had to kill Tony for being annoying. DiNozzo would win the beauty contest because he's suave and gorgeous - not that Riddick isn't hot, but it's a whole different kind of attraction there.
What is 15's favorite form of entertainment?
Sheppard's favorite entertainment? Killing wraith and annoying his teammates. If you ask Jana, it's praying and serving the Alden.
what is 6's preferred form of transportation?
Wyatt Cain loves all things automotive as transportation. He will ride horses but prefers things that are not alive. Adella likes ships - the ocean going kind.
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