Oct 23, 2008 09:05
I cant believe i'm nearly 22 :'(
i keep having weird dreams about my birthday as well. This year ive unfortunatley been counting down because ive been working still, so i remember what the date is and how long ive got to go!
traditionally even years havent been good for me.
but ive done summat really stupid. managed to arrange a meeting with owen to discuss my dissertation... on my birthday.
i havent actually thought of a title yet either. grrrrr my topic keeps changing. and reading a load of political books yesterday was not healthy for my well being.
but on the plus side, i'm going to see hsm3 on friday with his maj! :D
i downloaded the soundtrack off itunes yesterday, it sounds really good.
my brother(s?) is(/are) coming down this weekend as well.
on monday a couple of us are going to the black lion
and on tuesday we're celebrating ali's birthday
november 1st, been invited to a fancy dress halloween
and november 8th someone is organising a cafe bday party! (due to the fact of so many people having birthdays.)
life is stressful and goooood