
Mar 10, 2008 18:54

Im so hungry! but there are people in the kitchen. we hate cooking when someone else is in there. espesh dave, coz he always comments about how unhealthy we are and to say the least we're stick of it. so god knows how long that will take.

made an apple crumble last night after having bangers and mash. omg, it was sooooo nice! it was the first crumble i ever made and it was amazing. even ran out of sugar so just sort of added brown sugar.

had an exam today for subtitles. everyone had been asking me all weekend about what time it was,to make sure i go. got a phone call just as i was on my way to make sure i was going. was the last one to arrive and then i couldnt even get onto the program, so that ate up about 15mins of everybody elses time.
annoyingly it had swear words in both choices. bollocks in mine but charlottes was worse, hers had fuck me silly. how are you meant to subtitle that?! dont think ive done brilliantly on that but never mind. its over now.

am watching farscape for a change. i just love john and aeryn and it shows how good of an actress that claudia black is because the character of aeryn and vala are so different that i cant see any chemistry between vala and mitchell even though there is tons in farscape.

Rhoddes i anrheg i'r person sy ddim eisiau cael ei galw. roeddwn i mor falch amdano ond roedd y person dw i wedi roi iddo dim yn gwerthfawrogi y llyfr digon. cymeres i lawer o amser ar y peth a ddwedodd hi, dylet ti angen gwersi i wella eich safon gramadeg Saesneg. Dw i ddim yn meddwl fy mod i'n hoffi'r person rwan. mae hi'n mor bitter na yn y flwyddyn cynta. A mor snobby.

reit dw i'n mynd nawr. i wneud be? dim syniad o gwbl. dylwn i pacio neu rwbeth ond dw i ddim eisiau. no^l i farscape wi'n credu.

crumble, exam, is deitlo, vala, food

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