
Jun 23, 2011 07:21

northern asked me five questions. Ask if you would like me to ask you five!

1. Do you find that you get more and more aware of !fails as the years pass? I mean, personally, I feel embarrassingly slow in getting to truly understand my own privilege - I'm wondering if you've had/are having similar thought patterns, or if you've always been very aware?

Oh, lord, yes, to the first question. I've sort of always been aware of sexism - hi, I went to Catholic school - although the sheer pervasiveness of it passed me over for years. I'll absolutely cop to taking until adulthood, and well into it, to develop an awareness of racism or homophobia. And for all that, I still have a lot of learning to do.

2. Did you always want a child?

Nope. I went back and forth on the question for most of my life. I will say that as soon as I was reasonably sure that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with
slashspouse, I became reasonably sure I wanted a child.

3. Why don't you like vampires?

Mostly how ubiquitous they are. They were never a huge favorite -- I had a childhood phobia from watching an old movie when I was at just the wrong age -- but I've certainly enjoyed vampire books/series/etc. I've never been that into the whole "evil is sexy" thing that pervades Western culture, which I think is part of why they palled on me fast. But honestly, it's mostly just that they're everywhere, particularly horror, that makes me just sigh at them now.

4. Do you ever think about doing something other than teaching? Why/why not?

Nope. Besides the practical issues (I spent a long time and lot of money getting the degree to teach), I really love my job. I mean, I get paid to talk about stuff I find interesting. How much does that not suck? And honestly, how many jobs are there that have the kind of flexible hours this one does? There are parts of my job I don't care for (hi, grading), but I can't think of another job that actually exists that I would rather do.

5. Who/what is the absolutely sexiest character/person you know of, and why? Please elaborate. *chinhands*

It is really so not fair to ask a bisexual that question ;).

If I can pick one and only one, despite my rants on comics, I'm going to go with Dick Grayson. We'll start with the fact that he's really fucking pretty. I mean really pretty. And bendy. Very, very bendy. And competent. He is so good at what he does, it hurts. And he's a genuinely GOOD person, who does the right thing because it IS the right thing.

Also, the nice thing is, despite having some common ground in most incarnations (see: pretty, competent, good, and desperate for Batman's love and approval), he's a comics character, which means that he's changeable enough that whatever your preferences, you can probably find a version that matches, from "laughing ninja" to "super angst dude."

Also, has a tendency to hang around hot, competent redheads, which never hurts.

I miss him. A lot.

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have spoken there.


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