Top fives

Aug 16, 2010 14:47

Chosen at random ;).

zulu asked for Top five joyful moments in your life!. Which I immediately decided was too hard, and so decided to go with random, slightly unexpected joyful moments.

1. Watching a soccer ball I had kicked from about the half-field line just to get it up to the front line players soar into the goal instead. There's an added joy there in retrospect: my father was coaching, and that was the year he died, so it was one of the last games he saw me play.

2. Getting the call that our offer for the house had been accepted. This one is bittersweet in retrospect, but I walked on air for a week.

3. Hearing the sono tech say, "It's a little girl." Bonus joy for the expression on slashspouse's face. I don't remember how he responded when I called to tell him I was pregnant, but I will never forget the quiet smile of pure contentment he gave when he found out we were going to have a daughter.

4. Every single time Frog says, "Guess what, Mommy. I love you very much."

5. The first time someone randomly referred to me as "Dr. B_____," and it finally sunk in that it was real, I had done it, and they weren't going to take it back.

lapillus asked for Top five GOOD things about a new school year.
1. There is always a sense of optimism about the new school year, about the possibility that this semester will be a good one.

2. I usually treat myself to at least one new outfit.

3. Only a few of these students have heard all my jokes, so I get a fresh audience!

4. Meeting new students. I really do like most of my students.

5. Right now, at this very moment, I have no grading to do.

ct asked for Top five shows or books you hope to get your daughter hooked on when she's older.

1. The Oz series.

2. The Dark Tower series.

3. The Middleman.

4. Jim Hines' Princess series.

5. Well, she's already hooked on Batman ;).

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