Which I haven't actually watched yet. I...find myself really, really reluctant to. I know what's coming, you see. I read about it in someone's random post (possibly on gender, I forget) before I ever thought I'd watch the show. And I just don't want to get there.
It's not just that I like Ashley (although I really do, and I gather that might put me in a minority?). It's that I love Helen, and I'm not sure I can watch her lose a child. Lose a daughter, which for obvious reasons is hard for me. (And yes, the stream of dead daughters in shows I watch has continued, including the odd guest character.)
I know I have to watch if I'm going to continue with the show, and I want to continue with the show, but right now, I'm finding it a lot easier to rewatch the pilot.
I'm curious (outside the cut ;): have you ever found yourself reluctant to watch a new episode of a show you were enjoying? Because I'm finding that it's an increasingly common experience for me, for a variety of reasons, and I wonder if I'm the only one there.
(Note: assuming anyone comments, I take for granted there will be spoilers for various shows ;).
This entry was originally posted at
http://cereta.dreamwidth.org/765536.html. If you can, please
speak there.
have spoken there.