Grading Hell Theater: Birthin' Babies

Feb 19, 2010 08:10

I was going to be firm today about taking my sick day to be sick, but the truth of the matter is, with six sections, I can't afford not to grade today. Fortunately, the stuff I have to do is mostly skim-and-check.

Meanwhile, I am waiting to hear any minute now about the latest addition to the extended B clan (which is to say, my sister is being induced as we speak). So, in her honor: your favorite characters find themselves in that classic sitcom, er, sit: a woman has gone into labor. What do they do? How do they handle it? Which if them faint?

Jessica Fletcher has, of course, attended many, many births, between her years as a military wife and all those nieces and nephews. She is calm and collected, and assists Seth in all the required matters. She appropriately coos over the new baby (although privately, she finds newborns a bit wrinkly), and afterwards, pours a generous dollop of Irish Whiskey in her coffee and thinks again that being an aunt is really a wonderful thing.

Peter Bishop expertly delivers the child, of course, although the hardest part turns out to be keeping Walter from reciting trivia that the mother really doesn't need to hear. Olivia, meanwhile, finds a very compelling reason to be elsewhere.

Your turn!

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