...or just the entertainment side of it.
Prompted by a comment elsewhere, give yourself omnipotence for a minute. Well, specific omnipotence. What are things you would do to specific TV (or movie/comic/book) sources if you (a) could just snap your fingers and (b) didn't have to worry about fallout (that is, everything would work out just lovely). I know, this is confusing. Let me explain by example.
If Lucy ran the world:
1. On Sesame Street, Chris and Alan would fall in love, just like Maria and Luid did. There would be just enough explanation for Big Bird to understand, and not so much that them both being men was a Thing with a capital T. It would be sweet and age-appropriate and just another Sesame Street storyline.
2. The Doctor would regenerate into...honestly? Anything other than another young, white guy. Yes, yes, I'm going to give wossname a chance, of course I will. But if Lucy ran the world, Eleven would actually break some ground in some way.
3. When Chris Noth left Criminal Intent, Julianne Nicholson would have started appearing first on the credits, and her character would have become the driving force of that half of the show. Okay, cast a guy as her partner, fair enough, but that guy should be a basic detective, not Yet Another Quirky Genius, and his presence should at a minimum not eclipse hers, and better, should be somewhat secondary to hers as hers was to Logan.
Your turn! These can be weighty or light, fun or serious. What would you do?
This entry was originally posted at
http://cereta.dreamwidth.org/716494.html. If you wish,
speak there.
have spoken there.